The Student Room Group

opinions on my choices

context my ps is quite broad and i predicted A in chem, B in maths and achieved B in psych . need help picking my choices

qmul- chem eng
surrey- chem eng
city - mechanical and design
brighton - automotive eng (i wanna change this to sussex or elsewhere)
brighton - software eng

anything i should change??
Hi there,

All of these subjects and universities are really great and i'm sure you would enjoy any of them based on your A-levels.
To help narrow it down maybe think about the career afterwards that you want and not just the course, which might help you pick some more consistent options.
Best of luck

Coventry university student ambassador
How are you going to write one PS that covers all of these very different engineering specialisms, without it being very obvious that you have no focused interest in any of these courses?
Reply 3
Original post by McGinger
How are you going to write one PS that covers all of these very different engineering specialisms, without it being very obvious that you have no focused interest in any of these courses?

I’ve already written a personal statement that works and have completed various programmes etc showing my interest. I don’t do physics so my options are quite limited so I’m making do with what I can. But I’m not worried about my ps more about my options n locations

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