The Student Room Group

University of Leicester Directory

Interested in applying to the University of Leicester for 2025?


Below we have created a handy directory of everything you might need, conversations to get involved in and ways to speak to us below.

These are a great way to chat with fellow students, share your experience of applying to university and ask any questions

University of Leicester Directory 2025:

Official University of Leicester 2025 Applicant Thread:

Official Uni of Leicester Offer Holders Thread 2025 entry:

Ask a Current Student at the University of Leicester!:

Leicester Official Accommodation Thread:

Official University of Leicester- Postgraduate Thread:

If you have any questions or anything at all please do not hesitate to get in touch with us or post them in the above threads. Please also feel free to introduce yourselves in the above threads. We look forward to welcoming you in September 2025!

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