Ok so I’m 16 and in Year 12 at the moment. I attend an actual 6th form, where I study 2 a-levels, but I also do another a-level through a (legitimate) online home learning course. I’m wondering about the potential problems this might cause with applying to uni/sitting exams.
Of course, I’ll be sitting most of my exams at my 6th form, but I’ll also be sitting my third a-level’s exams a private candidate at a random nearby exam centre. Given that I’ll be both a private candidate and a candidate with my 6th form, will this cause any problems, like when I get my results or when I have to put down where I’m doing my a-levels UCAS?
Hopefully someone here can either reassure me that sitting one a-level as a private candidate won’t cause any problems or confirm my fears that it will. TIA.