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i kissed my best friend’s ex boyfriend.

i’m at a small party with some of my friends,it just so happens my best friends ex is there. me and him are freinds and we have been for a few years but not longer than me and her (14 years) everyone is drinking and we are playing games. the games eventually evolve into spin the bottle. me and him get eachother. we kiss. nothing werid just a kiss. then the game switches from just a kiss too 3 seconds kiss then to you go in the bathroom. we got two 3 second kisses and then we went in the bathroom. we made out and i was on top of him and he was kissing my neck,choking me and pulling my hair and i was doing the same to him. this lasted about 1 minute. and then we went out of the bathroom,the game was over and everyone is sitting on the couches and i’m talking him and we have extreme guilt and end up calling her together that night and then again when we got home she was so mad and i completely understand why. how do i fix this,i love her so much and i have no feelings at all towards her ex. i just want my best friend back.
(edited 1 month ago)
Yeah making a point of calling her drunk and telling her that night was almost certain to blow up in your face.
Reply 2
Find her a new boyfriend so she forgets about what's his face who you kissed.
How old are you all, 13? Because this comes across as very childish behaviour; your best friend's ex is single and can kiss whoever he wants.

However, I was very concerned to read he was choking you. Did you consent to it, otherwise it's assault? I hope you at least confront him about that and cut off your friendship with him if necessary.

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