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proteins multiple choice

Hi, please could I have some help on this question?
I'm confused why B is incorrect and the answer is D? I thought in prophase the chromosomes condense into chromatin?
Here is the question:
Chromatin is the combination of dna and rather than a condensed form of dna (to my knowledge).
In prophase, the chromatin condenses- becoming super-coiled and compact which is why it becomes visible. Before that (during) it is unravelled in the nucleus like a big squiggly mess (don’t write that in an exam please but its how i visualise it!).
The main differences between the two answers is that in D, the DNA strand doesn’t condense around R which makes sense to me if you visualise it.
Sorry if this is incorrect, its just how id think about it but im no expert (year 12 biology student).
Original post by DerDracologe
Chromatin is the combination of dna and rather than a condensed form of dna (to my knowledge).
In prophase, the chromatin condenses- becoming super-coiled and compact which is why it becomes visible. Before that (during) it is unravelled in the nucleus like a big squiggly mess (don’t write that in an exam please but its how i visualise it!).
The main differences between the two answers is that in D, the DNA strand doesn’t condense around R which makes sense to me if you visualise it.
Sorry if this is incorrect, its just how id think about it but im no expert (year 12 biology student).

Thank you!

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