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Help with edexcel A level maths mark scheme

Hello I was doing the june 2022 paper 2 and was marking it when I saw it awarded SC 1010 for solving question 11 if you used odd and even instead of n = 2k. SC stands for special case but I do not know what 1010 means or the amount of marks I receive. I tried searching it up and couldn't find anything on it. Mark scheme:

Paper 2 june 2022:
Reply 1
hey, i think this just means that you score the method marks, but not the answer marks. Following the mark scheme, you would get M1 (not A1), dM1 (not A1). So you receive 2 marks for the question. I guess this is because you might not have used an algebra, which they want. Hope this helps!
Reply 2
Oh ok thanks

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