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Do unis care if I defer entry/take gap year if it’s productive?

Im in Y13 and I’m applying this year for 2025 entry however im seriously considering taking a gap year after exams for a few reasons:

a) i want to rethink if i want to study my stem subject for 3 years or if i want to change my direction completely. In this case i would probably spend my gap year doing an a level in english literature or a language and then reapply for a related course

b) gain more skills to be better prepared for the STEM degree I’m applying for right now

I will decide in the summer holidays by August whether I want to take the gap year or not, but either way I’ll be spending it productively doing academically related things so would universities be critical of this or not care? Also, can I ask for deferred entry on results day??
(edited 1 month ago)
they dont care im on my gap year rn trust me do it
Original post by Nat4695
Im in Y13 and I’m applying this year for 2025 entry however im seriously considering taking a gap year after exams for a few reasons:
a) i want to rethink if i want to study my stem subject for 3 years or if i want to change my direction completely. In this case i would probably spend my gap year doing an a level in english literature or a language and then reapply for a related course
b) gain more skills to be better prepared for the STEM degree I’m applying for right now
I will decide in the summer holidays by August whether I want to take the gap year or not, but either way I’ll be spending it productively doing academically related things so would universities be critical of this or not care? Also, can I ask for deferred entry on results day??

You can ask but they could say no.
Reply 3
thanks, otherwise, do they look negatively on gap years? if i have a plan and it is genuinely productive without letting my skills rust etc
Reply 4
Which course and which university?
Original post by Nat4695
thanks, otherwise, do they look negatively on gap years? if i have a plan and it is genuinely productive without letting my skills rust etc

Fundamentally, they don’t care. They might want to confirm whether you studied and dropped out elsewhere, but otherwise don’t mind whether you were productive or took a year out for Netflix marathons. Obviously I wouldn’t mention that in your PS :smile:

There used to be a very small number of super competitive courses (chiefly Maths) who wanted you to keep your academics sharp, but that kind of thing should be specified on their websites.
Reply 6
Original post by ajj2000
Which course and which university?

physics, St Andrews, or Exeter probably
Reply 7
Original post by Nat4695
physics, St Andrews, or Exeter probably

I doubt they look negatively on gap years. They might not offer an option to defer. I suspect that if you have the grades there wouldn’t be a problem getting another offer from Exeter. St Andrews is more random so that might be one to consider.
Reply 8
Original post by ajj2000
I doubt they look negatively on gap years. They might not offer an option to defer. I suspect that if you have the grades there wouldn’t be a problem getting another offer from Exeter. St Andrews is more random so that might be one to consider.

ah okay, thank you!

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