Hi all, hope you are having a nice day.
Would like to ask whether is a good idea to ask this girl I like out.
How I met her is she popped up to me on WhatsApp. last year at uni she knew me from ACS but I didn't know her at all ot see her. She has graduated now and l'm having a break from uni.
We have been texting everyday since October, she invites me out meet her friends and stuff at events in London weekly. She went as far as sending money for my train ticket to go there and always keeping me up to date when the next ones are
She said we were friends before to everyone but I feel like the mood is shifting but I don't want to get a head of myself and assume
Always walks me back to the station after the event or sees me out to make sure I get home okay. Eg last Week walking me to my bike and making sure I got back fine
My only issue is that I know the phrase "Girls are always on thier phone", she never takes longer than 24 hours to reply but over the past few days it's been slower unless we are meeting up. She has been engaging and stuff and starts conversations, like we
haven't gone 24 hours without talking but she can be online replying on group chats but not reply to my text until later
l'm seeing her this weekend for a ball, I want to ask her out. Do you guys think it's a good idea.
I saw her over the weekend she touched me and stuff as a mistake, or pokes me.
Financially it's a bit tight but I think that's not an issue for her,