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Tiffin boys sixth form-application

I was wondering if anyone knows how tiffin boys do their application process for sixth form. Do they make offers before gcse results? If you get low predicted grades, but enough to apply and potentially get in (but not very likely) and get high enough in your actual gcse results such as an 8.5 average would you be accepted? In the end does your predicted matter
I Think, At Tiffin Boys, the application process for sixth form typically starts with submitting your GCSE predicted grades along with your application. They do make conditional offers based on these predicted grades before the actual GCSE results are released. If your predicted grades meet their entry requirements, you might receive an offer, which will depend on you achieving those grades in your actual results. am not 100% sure about that but one of my friend was discussing about it!!!!!
Original post by ollyfoddie
I Think, At Tiffin Boys, the application process for sixth form typically starts with submitting your GCSE predicted grades along with your application. They do make conditional offers based on these predicted grades before the actual GCSE results are released. If your predicted grades meet their entry requirements, you might receive an offer, which will depend on you achieving those grades in your actual results. am not 100% sure about that but one of my friend was discussing about it!!!!!

Okk thank you that's really helpful, do you know if you can get in without receiving a conditional offer before doing actual GCSEs?
Reply 3
Original post by Gghhhggggghhij
I was wondering if anyone knows how tiffin boys do their application process for sixth form. Do they make offers before gcse results? If you get low predicted grades, but enough to apply and potentially get in (but not very likely) and get high enough in your actual gcse results such as an 8.5 average would you be accepted? In the end does your predicted matter

Hi, I applied for Tiffin Boys’ Sixth form and got in. My grades that i applied for were 3 9s, 1 8 2 7s, 1 6 and 3 5s, so not the best by tiffin standards but I still got a conditional offer. I can’t say I remember when I got it, (maybe March?) but I was invited to a taster morning where we were given a tour and assured that we definitely in, providing we got the grades (I guess I wasn’t the only one that couldn’t quite believe I’d been offered a place)
I’m like 90% sure your head of year/ another teacher at the school will have to make a reference for you.
I genuinely have no idea how I got in, my predicted grades were 8/9 for all my subjects (I went and still go to a highly academic secondary school) and my mocks were 8 8s, 1 7 and 1 5 but I don’t think I’d gotten my mock results by the time they offered me a place.
An 8.5 average is more than acceptable- their acceptance rate for externals is an average of 7 in the top 8 subjects, 8.5 if you want to take 4 subjects and a 9 in maths if you want to take further maths.
I’m just going off my experience getting in, but I hope this helps 🙂

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