The Student Room Group

Spiritual truths, insights, karma, universal workings

You attract who you are,
Thoughts attract things
You get what you give
Put back into it
Don´t take
Change your beliefs
No negative thoughts, intent, think cruel thoughts or intent will bring back

If you partake in the gossiping, mocking, public berating, the energy may come back to you

How you react in your mind

How you handle or if you can handle

How you view, see others

Thought, motives

If you find it hard to obtain work, it's possible, I'm not saying this is the case, it's possible you've misused money in the past.


Work hard

Who you are
How you live


Have gratitude


Try your best

Plod along

Focus your mind
Focus on excellence
Do not misuse your mind, your power, drive etc

How you live, who you are in this life, you´ll attract, also depends on what you need to experience, what lessons you have to learn, balance, thoughts, insights, improve yourself

Resolve your current life

Work (respect, honour, service, give your best, do everything, focus on excellence)

Money(respect, budget, save, do not be frivolous, do not take out too much credit, do not give out too much, keep promises, pay bills on time, allocate money to pay off debts)

If you find it difficult to get a job, it´s possible you misused your money in the past.

Love (love yourself, respect the other gender, appreciate, do not condense, undermine, give love)

Health (respect your body, eat right, sleep right, exercise, nice attitude towards others )

Friends(be friendly, have humanity)

Looks (everyday, respect, diet, rest, exercise, respect others, attitude, genuine, no judgement, fairness, considerate, conduct)

How you view and treat others

Opposite gender (respect, never mistreat, no lustful thoughts, fair, no judgement, no condense, undermine)

Power(conduct, character, do no wrong)

Have respect for everyone and everything,

Bad karma is negative thoughts, deadly sins, anger, resentment, bad thoughts towards others, disrespect, pettiness, negativity, no haughtiness, no mocking etc even in the mind
Bad mouthing
No sarcasm
Don´t ruin anyone´s dignity
No gossiping
No judgemental
Keep promises
Don't do anything wrong

Balance, harmony, peace
Good mindset
All virtuous
Good conduct
Good character
No power games
Do nothing wrong
Respectful talk
Be and live honestly
Respectful and no aggression towards things, be it parents etc
Respect your parents, men, women, religious symbols, people in work, anyone


Don´t keep taking
Waste no time

Read law of attraction

Buddhism principles

Never give up, keep going
Keep trying

Things change, when your mindset change, if you enjoy working, then you´ll attract work
Original post by Anonymous
You attract who you are,
Thoughts attract things
You get what you give
Put back into it
Don´t take
Change your beliefs
No negative thoughts, intent, think cruel thoughts or intent will bring back
If you partake in the gossiping, mocking, public berating, the energy may come back to you
How you react in your mind
How you handle or if you can handle
How you view, see others
Thought, motives
If you find it hard to obtain work, it's possible, I'm not saying this is the case, it's possible you've misused money in the past.
Work hard
Who you are
How you live
Have gratitude
Try your best
Plod along
Focus your mind
Focus on excellence
Do not misuse your mind, your power, drive etc
How you live, who you are in this life, you´ll attract, also depends on what you need to experience, what lessons you have to learn, balance, thoughts, insights, improve yourself
Resolve your current life
Work (respect, honour, service, give your best, do everything, focus on excellence)
Money(respect, budget, save, do not be frivolous, do not take out too much credit, do not give out too much, keep promises, pay bills on time, allocate money to pay off debts)
If you find it difficult to get a job, it´s possible you misused your money in the past.
Love (love yourself, respect the other gender, appreciate, do not condense, undermine, give love)
Health (respect your body, eat right, sleep right, exercise, nice attitude towards others )
Friends(be friendly, have humanity)
Looks (everyday, respect, diet, rest, exercise, respect others, attitude, genuine, no judgement, fairness, considerate, conduct)
How you view and treat others
Opposite gender (respect, never mistreat, no lustful thoughts, fair, no judgement, no condense, undermine)
Power(conduct, character, do no wrong)
Have respect for everyone and everything,
Bad karma is negative thoughts, deadly sins, anger, resentment, bad thoughts towards others, disrespect, pettiness, negativity, no haughtiness, no mocking etc even in the mind
Bad mouthing
No sarcasm
Don´t ruin anyone´s dignity
No gossiping
No judgemental
Keep promises
Don't do anything wrong
Balance, harmony, peace
Good mindset
All virtuous
Good conduct
Good character
No power games
Do nothing wrong
Respectful talk
Be and live honestly
Respectful and no aggression towards things, be it parents etc
Respect your parents, men, women, religious symbols, people in work, anyone
Don´t keep taking
Waste no time
Read law of attraction
Buddhism principles
Never give up, keep going
Keep trying
Things change, when your mindset change, if you enjoy working, then you´ll attract work

Yeah right. Explain Donald Trump, Karma kid!
Is there some point to reposting this again and again? I’d also argue it’s a misuse of the Anon function.

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