Asking whether it's normal is interesting in an academic way. But it's not the most useful question you could be asking.
Asking whether there's anything you could do to have a better life would be a more productive question.
Asking "What else?" would be productive. What else could you do, apart from what you're doing now. If it's something better, do that.
What else could you focus on, apart from the negatives in your life?
What else could you eat and drink apart from what you eat and drink now?
What else could you say and do when you talk to people, apart from what you say and do now?
etc etc
What may be normal for other people may not be normal for you. And vice versa.
You are you. You might as well proceed on the basis that you will try to have the best overall life you can have for you. For the person you are now and the set of circumstances in you're in now. If you are a better version of yourself in 6 months time, then you'll have been on the right trajectory.