The Student Room Group


I have my TMUA in January, with less than 2 weeks left im still struggling, barely scraping a 6/20 in each paper . For those that have done it, is there any particular advice you have for me to maximise my TMUA score. Much appreciated
Watch as many of the R2DREW2 videos as you can as those are super helpful, especially the content ones like trinomial expansion, there's lots of tricks in those videos - and make sure you know the A level content super well (the Y1 stuff, I mean, plus sequences and the other bits of Y2 that may come up)
Do all the TMUA papers multiple times and try the Q1s of MAT papers as well. Maybe if you struggle with the maths try to lock in the sufficiency, necessity concepts etc. as if you really understand those, then paper 2 should become at least a bit easier.
Sorry this is quite vague but mostly all you can do with 2 weeks left is maximise your practice and learn all the tips and tricks for tackling TMUA questions, good luck hope it goes well for you!!
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
Watch as many of the R2DREW2 videos as you can as those are super helpful, especially the content ones like trinomial expansion, there's lots of tricks in those videos - and make sure you know the A level content super well (the Y1 stuff, I mean, plus sequences and the other bits of Y2 that may come up)
Do all the TMUA papers multiple times and try the Q1s of MAT papers as well. Maybe if you struggle with the maths try to lock in the sufficiency, necessity concepts etc. as if you really understand those, then paper 2 should become at least a bit easier.
Sorry this is quite vague but mostly all you can do with 2 weeks left is maximise your practice and learn all the tips and tricks for tackling TMUA questions, good luck hope it goes well for you!!

Yeah fr R2drew2 really is a saviour , his tricks are really helpful, I’ve started using him to supplement my revision . Yes I’m defo gonna try strengthen my logic for paper 2 . If I manage to finish all the tmua papers , I’ll try the MAT questions. Thankyou for your advise it really means a lot.
Reply 3
Original post by shumanjan
Why do u need to take it?

I’m applying for finance and economics and data science at imperial, which requires it. I’m also applying for Morse at warwick, and getting 5+ on the tmua will lower my entry requirements

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