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Bio or politics a-level??

I don't know if I should take bio or politics for a- level. I want to become a lawyer in the future and I am also taking maths and economics a-level. Which one is more beneficial? also which one is harder? Would it be beneficial to take a science for a-level even though I don't want to do anything science related? Also I'm not that great in English lit, I always get a grade 6 in all tests so would that effect my politics performance?
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by Rianav
I don't know if I should take bio or politics for a- level. I want to become a lawyer in the future and I am also taking maths and economics a-level. Which one is more beneficial? also which one is harder? Would it be beneficial to take a science for a-level even though I don't want to do anything science related? Also I'm not that great in English lit, I always get a grade 6 I all tests so would that effect my politics performance?

Law doesn't have any specific requirements - so you can choose any subjects you want. Politics, being an essay based subject, will be more preferable for any unis that want essay subjects, but most don't really care. I recommend picking what one you think you'll do better in. If you like biology then you can pick it if you want, but it won't really be useful at all if you don't want to do anything science/healthcare related.
Reply 2
Original post by AsBr2008
Law doesn't have any specific requirements - so you can choose any subjects you want. Politics, being an essay based subject, will be more preferable for any unis that want essay subjects, but most don't really care. I recommend picking what one you think you'll do better in. If you like biology then you can pick it if you want, but it won't really be useful at all if you don't want to do anything science/healthcare related.
Is bio a-level as hard as people say?
Original post by Rianav
Is bio a-level as hard as people say?

I picked it and I personally don't think it's too difficult. There's definitely a lot of content, but the content isn't as difficult as chemistry or physics. But I know many people in my class who do find it hard. I think it depends on your strengths and how much you enjoy it. If you enjoy bio at GCSE and get atleast a grade 6 or 7 then you should be perfectly fine if you do choose it. If you have any more questions feel free to ask!
Reply 4
people find bio a level difficult because it's a huge step up from gcse, where you can get away quite easily. for a level bio, you genuinely have a LOT of content to revise. if you're generally academically diligent, and are decent at memorising a lot of information, choose bio. however, if you're better at essay writing and applying slightly less knowledge to these essays, go for politics. english to be honest, isn't a great indicator of how you'll do in politics because it's so different. if you do history gcse, your performance in that has more of a correlation. it's all dependent on your preference and whichever you think you can get a better grade in, since as stated above, universities don't particularly care for law.
Original post by Rianav
I don't know if I should take bio or politics for a- level. I want to become a lawyer in the future and I am also taking maths and economics a-level. Which one is more beneficial? also which one is harder? Would it be beneficial to take a science for a-level even though I don't want to do anything science related? Also I'm not that great in English lit, I always get a grade 6 in all tests so would that effect my politics performance?

There's no specific subject requirements for law. Politics may be useful as it is an essay based subject.
Out of the 2, whoch do you enjoy most and think you will get the best grade in?
Original post by Rianav
I don't know if I should take bio or politics for a- level. I want to become a lawyer in the future and I am also taking maths and economics a-level. Which one is more beneficial? also which one is harder? Would it be beneficial to take a science for a-level even though I don't want to do anything science related? Also I'm not that great in English lit, I always get a grade 6 in all tests so would that effect my politics performance?

Politics would be good because law is essay-based at university, and politics and law are closely linked. But, Biology is also very interested, and would keep your options open if you changed your mind.

Personally, If I was you I would choose Maths, Economics and politics, since all the subjects are very closely linked and work well together. Plus, some law degrees require an essay based subject and, even though economics has essays, politics would probably showcase those skills better.

But, biology is still a great choice, and most university won’t care what you studied as long as you have the grade requirements.

So, just pick what you think you’ll find more interesting!!
Original post by zarah11
people find bio a level difficult because it's a huge step up from gcse, where you can get away quite easily. for a level bio, you genuinely have a LOT of content to revise. if you're generally academically diligent, and are decent at memorising a lot of information, choose bio. however, if you're better at essay writing and applying slightly less knowledge to these essays, go for politics. english to be honest, isn't a great indicator of how you'll do in politics because it's so different. if you do history gcse, your performance in that has more of a correlation. it's all dependent on your preference and whichever you think you can get a better grade in, since as stated above, universities don't particularly care for law.

just on the point about being academically diligent, bio is interesting to me but idk if I should take it for a level
I’ve gotten a 6 in the recent mocks with no revision so my logic is if I revise a normal / average amount I can get an 8 in the next mocks (9 in the real thing)

however if I did it it would likely not be with any other science subject therefore it looks like I’m just picking it for an easy ride (people who do chem with biology are really in the thick of it) whereas I don’t want to be one of those people who picks it because it’s a cutesy easy stem subject with fun diagrams of plants and then do awful because I can’t remember the mark schemes or do the work
Original post by usable-co-founde
just on the point about being academically diligent, bio is interesting to me but idk if I should take it for a level
I’ve gotten a 6 in the recent mocks with no revision so my logic is if I revise a normal / average amount I can get an 8 in the next mocks (9 in the real thing)
however if I did it it would likely not be with any other science subject therefore it looks like I’m just picking it for an easy ride (people who do chem with biology are really in the thick of it) whereas I don’t want to be one of those people who picks it because it’s a cutesy easy stem subject with fun diagrams of plants and then do awful because I can’t remember the mark schemes or do the work

I understand how you feel! I’m currently taking History, English Lit and Biology, and lots of people made fun of me for taking it on its own. I nearly swapped to politics actually, but despite wanting to do history at uni, I didn’t like it as much as bio!

But, in my first mock I managed to get 80% in my exam, the highest mark in the class, and now all the people who made fun of me are salty!!

If you think you’ll enjoy biology more, are good at science, do it! My biology teacher doesn’t care that I take two humanities subjects, since he knows I’ll work for it! So, if that sounds like you, take biology ignore everyone!!!
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 9
Original post by usable-co-founde
just on the point about being academically diligent, bio is interesting to me but idk if I should take it for a level
I’ve gotten a 6 in the recent mocks with no revision so my logic is if I revise a normal / average amount I can get an 8 in the next mocks (9 in the real thing)
however if I did it it would likely not be with any other science subject therefore it looks like I’m just picking it for an easy ride (people who do chem with biology are really in the thick of it) whereas I don’t want to be one of those people who picks it because it’s a cutesy easy stem subject with fun diagrams of plants and then do awful because I can’t remember the mark schemes or do the work

on the first paragraph- every person is different, so i can't say how you'll do for certain, but improving from the mocks is a fairly easy thing to do for gcse. i got a 7 and pulled through with a 9. for bio gcse i 100% recommend you to just watch freesciencelessons videos to learn the content, and physicsandmaths tutor for revision questions; my exam board, aqa, reused about 3 questions from past papers so i knew them all.

on the second paragraph- unfortunately, if you're too worried about how your subject choices will "look" then there's not much anyone can do for you. i have many friends who take bio along with essay subjects, because it's generally the only science that people take if their not interested in going into STEM. it's definitely NOT a "cutesy easy STEM subject", and anyone who thinks that is in for a very unpleasant surprise. as for whether you'll do awful or not, that's about your effort and luck really. be honest with yourself- if you're not really a person who is interested in academics, perhaps choose something less content heavy and "easier" than bio (though all subjects come with their difficulties). if however, you think you'll be willing to put in the time and effort, there is zero issues with pursuing something you're interested in. worst case scenario- you go to the lessons for the first week of sixth form, feel overwhelmed, and switch subjects. no harm done.

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