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Further Maths Resources URGENT

Heya. I got all 9s in my mocks 🧿 except further maths which I got a 6. Could someone please help! I also did my maths gcse early in yr9 and got a 9 but I’m really struggling with further maths. Are there any resources that could help? Or does anyone that has done it know and could help me with some of the topics? Like could you give me some tips and help on trigonometric functions and volumes of revolution 😭
I do Further Maths Edexcel
Reply 1
Original post by doryy1356789
Heya. I got all 9s in my mocks 🧿 except further maths which I got a 6. Could someone please help! I also did my maths gcse early in yr9 and got a 9 but I’m really struggling with further maths. Are there any resources that could help? Or does anyone that has done it know and could help me with some of the topics? Like could you give me some tips and help on trigonometric functions and volumes of revolution 😭
I do Further Maths Edexcel

Do you mean edexcel extended maths or aqa L2 further maths? Either way, theres some good material at
or the textbook or .... Personally, Id use structured resources rather than chatgpt.

For tips, its usuallly better to post a question youre unsure about and work though it, asking questionns as appropriate.
Original post by doryy1356789
Heya. I got all 9s in my mocks 🧿 except further maths which I got a 6. Could someone please help! I also did my maths gcse early in yr9 and got a 9 but I’m really struggling with further maths. Are there any resources that could help? Or does anyone that has done it know and could help me with some of the topics? Like could you give me some tips and help on trigonometric functions and volumes of revolution 😭
I do Further Maths Edexcel

It this level 2 FMaths or what?
Original post by GreatestOfAllTim
(1) --> Get the CP1 textbook
(2) --> Ask chatGPT to help you understand concepts
(3) --> Make use of YouTube channels such as: (imo #1 is r2drew2), ExamSolutions, TayyubMujeed, TLMaths. All these guys offer support for AL FM and normal maths
(4) --> Be confident. You got this. There is a multitude of kids doing all of this stuff at an even younger age than you, IT IS SO ATTAINABLE. Think about this. Everytime you are stuck on a concept in maths, THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS GLOBALLY have also come across the same conceptual barrier. I'll plug a 9yo called Victor who is a pro at flippin complex analysis and calculus stuff, wish he woudl upload more: (he has a good question on integration which he solves from the HSC exam, some pakistani indonesian paper examboard thing). I'm just trying to point out the fact that YOU ARE A PRO YOU WILL BE FINE
(5)CHEAT SHEETS: Trig functions, nice little pdf
Calculus pdf:
(6) FINAL NOTE: practise. There is so much more in your control with practise. You have the best tutor which is constantly improving (chatGPT) as well as TSR & people with more experience online and in person by which you can ask for guidance.
Sorry for kind of blurting out resources at your face I really hope this points you in the right direction by mind expansion and making you a pro at maths
Any questionas clarifications don't hesitate to contact
And another thing there are plently of resources online, sometimes too many and as a result it becomes more of a hoarding challenge than a sit down and do maths challenge
my recommendation would be to take the cheat sheets the 2 pdfs I gave you, as well as the CP1 and CP2 textbook for FM EdExcel, (pdfs here: ~CORE PURE 1 ~"" )
and just work through the textbook honestly. There are soo many resources so its better to sit down and do maths
If you become a pro at all the textbook stuff, expand into "" territory, loads of asbtract quesrtions on FM Maths, everythingOMG such a good website
TLDR: Use textbook pdfs work through them. You don't get it? ask chatGPT or me (preferrably someone smarter than me i'm not that smart yet). Thats all. I've also thrown other youtube channels ar your face. When you get to the point of doing past papers, use r2drew2 yt channel to help you out.
Sorry for unstructured advice Im'' just twritingin whatever comes to mind

Wow! Thanks a lot. I'll definitely make sure to check out the YT channels! The cheat sheets are so good! Where were they when I needed them for my mocks? I'll use all of these to ensure I can get my 8/9 at the end of the year for my actual GCSEs! 🧿
Original post by Muttley79
It this level 2 FMaths or what?

the OP was talking about Volumes of rev. so I assumed AS/A2
the GCSE threw me off though so now Im unsure

the advice remains the same for if it was GcSE i guess
Original post by GreatestOfAllTim
the OP was talking about Volumes of rev. so I assumed AS/A2
the GCSE threw me off though so now Im unsure
the advice remains the same for if it was GcSE i guess

Edexcel don't have a GCSE FMaths ... there's an iGCSE hance my question.
Original post by Muttley79
Edexcel don't have a GCSE FMaths ... there's an iGCSE hance my question.

please pardon my blissful ignorance
regardless the advice should still hold in general
get spec
get papers
grind weak topics
AI or people for help

when youre a pro and need more papers switching to UK Further Maths GCSE/ Advanved Subsidary Level papers etc
Original post by GreatestOfAllTim
please pardon my blissful ignorance
regardless the advice should still hold in general
get spec
get papers
grind weak topics
AI or people for help
when youre a pro and need more papers switching to UK Further Maths GCSE/ Advanved Subsidary Level papers etc

No, you should not grind weak topics before tackling your AMBER topics ...
Original post by Muttley79
Edexcel don't have a GCSE FMaths ... there's an iGCSE hance my question.

Yea. My school decided to do iGCSE for some reason! They said that the AQA was too easy ☹️
Yes! Thank you very much.
Original post by doryy1356789
Yea. My school decided to do iGCSE for some reason! They said that the AQA was too easy ☹️

I think iGCSE is easier ...
Is it this:
Original post by doryy1356789
Heya. I got all 9s in my mocks 🧿 except further maths which I got a 6. Could someone please help! I also did my maths gcse early in yr9 and got a 9 but I’m really struggling with further maths. Are there any resources that could help? Or does anyone that has done it know and could help me with some of the topics? Like could you give me some tips and help on trigonometric functions and volumes of revolution *
I do Further Maths Edexcel
As an A level further maths student I can say that physics and maths tutor will be your best friend at gcse so I would do all the past papers on that - if they get too easy go on a level maths revision and do the topics which pop up on the gcse further maths spec (basic matrices, binomial expansion, basic differentiation)
Original post by Muttley79
I think iGCSE is easier ...
Is it this:

Yes it is. But no it is not easier. At least not according to my school haha. Do you know any resources like cheat sheets for revision.
Original post by doryy1356789
Yes it is. But no it is not easier. At least not according to my school haha. Do you know any resources like cheat sheets for revision.

No particular knowledge of its accuracy but a quick google gave
which looks ok as a starting point to scribble on etc., while youre doing your practice.
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by doryy1356789
Yes it is. But no it is not easier. At least not according to my school haha. Do you know any resources like cheat sheets for revision.

It is easier imho as a teacher. I would work through Dr Frost.
Original post by Muttley79
It is easier imho as a teacher. I would work through Dr Frost.

Okay thank you very much.

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