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Will I get any offers?

I'm applying for BSc Mathematics at imperial, ucl, Warwick, Durham and King's.

GCSEs: 7766665554
A-levels: A*A*A in maths, further maths and computer science respectively
TMUA: 5.4

I've got a decent personal statement and amazing references, I got 96% in my further maths mock and 91% in my maths.

How likely am I to get offers, or are my choices too ambitious?

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Original post by Anonymous
I'm applying for BSc Mathematics at imperial, ucl, Warwick, Durham and King's.

GCSEs: 7766665554
A-levels: A*A*A in maths, further maths and computer science respectively
TMUA: 5.4

I've got a decent personal statement and amazing references, I got 96% in my further maths mock and 91% in my maths.

How likely am I to get offers, or are my choices too ambitious?

You chance of getting an offer from some of those universities is high; your chance of getting an offer from all five is low (just statistically speaking).

At the extremes, Warwick make offers to most Mathematics applicants (they made offers to 19 in 20 applicants in 2023 - source) but will include STEP as a condition of entry, and so lose a lot of offer-holders that way. Imperial make offers to fewer applicants (3 in 10 in 2022-23 - source) but won't include a STEP requirement, as you've taken the TMUA.

To complete the picture, in the recent past Durham and King's have made offers to 4 in 5 applicants (source and source, respectively), whilst UCL have recently been making offers to 11 in 20 applicants (source).
Original post by DataVenia
You chance of getting an offer from some of those universities is high; your chance of getting an offer from all five is low (just statistically speaking).
At the extremes, Warwick make offers to most Mathematics applicants (they made offers to 19 in 20 applicants in 2023 - source) but will include STEP as a condition of entry, and so lose a lot of offer-holders that way. Imperial make offers to fewer applicants (3 in 10 in 2022-23 - source) but won't include a STEP requirement, as you've taken the TMUA.
To complete the picture, in the recent past Durham and King's have made offers to 4 in 5 applicants (source and source, respectively), whilst UCL have recently been making offers to 11 in 20 applicants (source).

Thanks for your reply, does it matter when I send my application? I was planning on sending it before Christmas but my school delayed it
Original post by IntegralTrader
Thanks for your reply, does it matter when I send my application? I was planning on sending it before Christmas but my school delayed it

It does not. As long as UCAS receive it before 18:00 (GMT) on 29 January then universities are required to give it "equal consideration". They means that you must be just as likely to receive an offer regardless of when you applied.
Original post by Anonymous
I'm applying for BSc Mathematics at imperial, ucl, Warwick, Durham and King's.
GCSEs: 7766665554
A-levels: A*A*A in maths, further maths and computer science respectively
TMUA: 5.4
I've got a decent personal statement and amazing references, I got 96% in my further maths mock and 91% in my maths.
How likely am I to get offers, or are my choices too ambitious?

With competition so high, possibly not. Imperial are heavy on GCSEs
Original post by Project2025
With competition so high, possibly not. Imperial are heavy on GCSEs

What about the other choices
Original post by IntegralTrader
What about the other choices

You’ll get the others
I did msci mathematics at Warwick (4 year course) and a lot of the people I met on my course had about 1-2 A*’s in gcse (often maths) so it doesn’t seem they’re too hard on gcses
Original post by Project2025
I did msci mathematics at Warwick (4 year course) and a lot of the people I met on my course had about 1-2 A*’s in gcse (often maths) so it doesn’t seem they’re too hard on gcses

I was hoping the tmua would make up for the GCSEs. Would I get an A-level offer with this TMUA or will I need to do STEP?
Original post by IntegralTrader
I was hoping the tmua would make up for the GCSEs. Would I get an A-level offer with this TMUA or will I need to do STEP?

The TMUA wouldn’t but STEP 1/2 or MAT would
Original post by Project2025
The TMUA wouldn’t but STEP 1/2 or MAT would

"Please note that MAT will not be part of any offer to students applying for 2025 entry."

This is on the Warwick website, they now take the TMUA
Original post by IntegralTrader
"Please note that MAT will not be part of any offer to students applying for 2025 entry."
This is on the Warwick website, they now take the TMUA

It isn’t part of the offer it simply makes your application look better and makes up for your GCSE. MAT is far more rigorous than TMUA. What they mean by ‘won’t make up your offer’ is that traditionally having a good MAT score at Warwick would reduce your offer from A*A*A to A*AA. It has nothing to do with getting the offer, just reducing the offer if you get it
Original post by Project2025
It isn’t part of the offer it simply makes your application look better and makes up for your GCSE. MAT is far more rigorous than TMUA. What they mean by ‘won’t make up your offer’ is that traditionally having a good MAT score at Warwick would reduce your offer from A*A*A to A*AA. It has nothing to do with getting the offer, just reducing the offer if you get it

No they swapped it this year, so the TMUA will reduce offers instead
Original post by IntegralTrader
No they swapped it this year, so the TMUA will reduce offers instead

Cope more bro
Original post by Project2025
Cope more bro

What 😂, its literally on their website
Original post by Project2025
With competition so high, possibly not. Imperial are heavy on GCSEs
that’s not true at all
All I can say your A-level predicted grades are strong, as it is your more recent qualification it will overshine your GCSEs (which are truly not bad). At the end of the day, you can only go to one uni so check the offer holder threads for the unis you applied to and those offers will hopefully come.
Original post by Anonymous
I'm applying for BSc Mathematics at imperial, ucl, Warwick, Durham and King's.
GCSEs: 7766665554
A-levels: A*A*A in maths, further maths and computer science respectively
TMUA: 5.4
I've got a decent personal statement and amazing references, I got 96% in my further maths mock and 91% in my maths.
How likely am I to get offers, or are my choices too ambitious?

May aswell apply to where you want to go and avoid worrying about if you'll get an offer or not.
Original post by 27janssen
May aswell apply to where you want to go and avoid worrying about if you'll get an offer or not.

I 100% agree
Reply 19
TMUA score of 5 will get you an offer at Warwick. I think you need to be closer to a 7 at imperial. Warwick made it mandatory this year. Warwick do traditionally make a lot of offers as they know lots won’t achieve the A level part of the offer.

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