The Student Room Group

Bad Predicted grades

So I got my predicted grades for the first term and apparently they were based on my GCSEs which I’m not very proud of 😭. I was predicted DDD for all my subjects (Bio, Chemistry and Maths). 😭
Please does anybody have any tips I can use to get better. I do a lot of revision but then I get questions and I can’t fully understand and answer them well.Especially in maths and Chemistry.
Thank You in advance for all the answers xx
Original post by Hannahbx_40
So I got my predicted grades for the first term and apparently they were based on my GCSEs which I’m not very proud of 😭. I was predicted DDD for all my subjects (Bio, Chemistry and Maths). 😭
Please does anybody have any tips I can use to get better. I do a lot of revision but then I get questions and I can’t fully understand and answer them well.Especially in maths and Chemistry.
Thank You in advance for all the answers xx

Two things:
1. Do some questions from past papers, and then check your answer against the mark scheme. This is help you establish the type and level of questions involved and, equally as important, the vocab and terminology you need to use to get the marks - especially in Chemistry.
2. If your predicted grades are based on your GCSEs, then ignore them - they're almost meaningless. Focus on class tests, end-of-topic tests, end-of-years tests etc. - anything which the school can / will use to establish your predicted grade going forward.
Reply 2
Original post by DataVenia
Two things:
1. Do some questions from past papers, and then check your answer against the mark scheme. This is help you establish the type and level of questions involved and, equally as important, the vocab and terminology you need to use to get the marks - especially in Chemistry.
2. If your predicted grades are based on your GCSEs, then ignore them - they're almost meaningless. Focus on class tests, end-of-topic tests, end-of-years tests etc. - anything which the school can / will use to establish your predicted grade going forward.

Thank You for the response.
I tried doing some and using the mark scheme but some didn’t entirely make sense to me and I couldn’t find an explanation. Any ideas on how to get some explanation ? Tnx again xx
Reply 3
Original post by Hannahbx_40
So I got my predicted grades for the first term and apparently they were based on my GCSEs which I’m not very proud of 😭. I was predicted DDD for all my subjects (Bio, Chemistry and Maths). 😭
Please does anybody have any tips I can use to get better. I do a lot of revision but then I get questions and I can’t fully understand and answer them well.Especially in maths and Chemistry.
Thank You in advance for all the answers xx

What did you get in your gcses?
Reply 4
Original post by Iucas
What did you get in your gcses?

I got a 6 in maths and a 6-6 in Combined Science 😭
Reply 5
Original post by Hannahbx_40
I got a 6 in maths and a 6-6 in Combined Science 😭

I thought that you needed a 7 to A-level mathematics?
Original post by Hannahbx_40
Thank You for the response.
I tried doing some and using the mark scheme but some didn’t entirely make sense to me and I couldn’t find an explanation. Any ideas on how to get some explanation ? Tnx again xx

If the mark scheme doesn't make sense, and reviewing that topic in your notes / text book doesn't help, then you'll need to find someone to explain it. That could be a teacher, a parent, a friend, or anyone really. Or you could post the question (or a link to it) here on TSR and ask for assistance working it out.
Original post by Hannahbx_40
So I got my predicted grades for the first term and apparently they were based on my GCSEs which I’m not very proud of 😭. I was predicted DDD for all my subjects (Bio, Chemistry and Maths). 😭
Please does anybody have any tips I can use to get better. I do a lot of revision but then I get questions and I can’t fully understand and answer them well.Especially in maths and Chemistry.
Thank You in advance for all the answers xx

spamming past papers is the way and then get your teachers to go through them with you. I also reccomend blurting out what you know so you can see the clear gaps in your knowledge
Original post by Hannahbx_40
So I got my predicted grades for the first term and apparently they were based on my GCSEs which I’m not very proud of 😭. I was predicted DDD for all my subjects (Bio, Chemistry and Maths). 😭
Please does anybody have any tips I can use to get better. I do a lot of revision but then I get questions and I can’t fully understand and answer them well.Especially in maths and Chemistry.
Thank You in advance for all the answers xx

this is bad...

So first of all, bear in mind this is only your 1st term so **** gets hard here - it might not be the end of the world just yet
Next, I would 100% CONTEST these predictions. speak to your teachers and advisors.
now what really matters is your end of years as these will largely influence your predicted.

FYI End of year predictions submitted for UCAS
Now bear in mind a strong EOY prediction (even 4x A*) doesn't mean much DEPENDING ON YOUR SCHOOL - a lot of typically public schools will hyper inflate predictions to get students in - unis WILL look at your gcses to corroborate these predicted. IF you are in a very competitive school (im @ westminster right now) unis will put more weight into your predicted as they know the school is highly unlikely to overinflate grades, and they trust these schools to deliver accurate predicted

What to do and how to improve
you have to WORK. a LOT.
my school seems to hate the concept of a life, so I'm studying practically every single day, practically non stop.
However, given your situation, you're going to have to grind a LOT. that means don't go to parties and instead do practice papers.


maths is f*cking difficult at a level TBH for a lot of people - practice papers are your friends. do them CONSTANTLY. pmt, sme, and the official exam board are the best places - don't do the easy questions go straight to the hard ones

chem is kind of awful at a level ICL - you're just going to have to keep memorising the content

further advice:

you also need to secure the confidence of your teachers who'll be issuing your grades - that means you need EXCEPTIONAL test performance (80+ percent) and IMPECCABLE written work - show significant participation and show you know MORE than what's required (that may mean staying behind and asking more questions to your teachers)

collect every single grade you get. you will use this as evidence to contest a grade AT THE END OF Y12

* i would point out about tests my school makes them ABSURDLY DIFFICULT so the % you need may differ in order to become a competive applicant

furthermore, highly competitive universities WILL ask for evidence in your teacher's report about you - that means your teacher will likely want to submit what % of the year group you're in (ie top of the year in economics/top 10% in politics etc). best of luck
Original post by Hannahbx_40
So I got my predicted grades for the first term and apparently they were based on my GCSEs which I’m not very proud of 😭. I was predicted DDD for all my subjects (Bio, Chemistry and Maths). 😭
Please does anybody have any tips I can use to get better. I do a lot of revision but then I get questions and I can’t fully understand and answer them well.Especially in maths and Chemistry.
Thank You in advance for all the answers xx

These sound like targets not predictions. What are your working at grades?
Original post by Muttley79
These sound like targets not predictions. What are your working at grades?

They put DDD as the target grades too which I didn’t understand cus I don’t do that bad in class tests and stuff 😭
Original post by yellowFrog33
this is bad...
So first of all, bear in mind this is only your 1st term so **** gets hard here - it might not be the end of the world just yet
Next, I would 100% CONTEST these predictions. speak to your teachers and advisors.
now what really matters is your end of years as these will largely influence your predicted.
FYI End of year predictions submitted for UCAS
Now bear in mind a strong EOY prediction (even 4x A*) doesn't mean much DEPENDING ON YOUR SCHOOL - a lot of typically public schools will hyper inflate predictions to get students in - unis WILL look at your gcses to corroborate these predicted. IF you are in a very competitive school (im @ westminster right now) unis will put more weight into your predicted as they know the school is highly unlikely to overinflate grades, and they trust these schools to deliver accurate predicted
What to do and how to improve
you have to WORK. a LOT.
my school seems to hate the concept of a life, so I'm studying practically every single day, practically non stop.
However, given your situation, you're going to have to grind a LOT. that means don't go to parties and instead do practice papers.

maths is f*cking difficult at a level TBH for a lot of people - practice papers are your friends. do them CONSTANTLY. pmt, sme, and the official exam board are the best places - don't do the easy questions go straight to the hard ones

chem is kind of awful at a level ICL - you're just going to have to keep memorising the content

further advice:

you also need to secure the confidence of your teachers who'll be issuing your grades - that means you need EXCEPTIONAL test performance (80+ percent) and IMPECCABLE written work - show significant participation and show you know MORE than what's required (that may mean staying behind and asking more questions to your teachers)

collect every single grade you get. you will use this as evidence to contest a grade AT THE END OF Y12

* i would point out about tests my school makes them ABSURDLY DIFFICULT so the % you need may differ in order to become a competive applicant

furthermore, highly competitive universities WILL ask for evidence in your teacher's report about you - that means your teacher will likely want to submit what % of the year group you're in (ie top of the year in economics/top 10% in politics etc). best of luck

Wow I might just be cooked Icl . That’s scary 😭
But I will definitely do all you’ve told me thanks for the advice xx
Original post by Iucas
I thought that you needed a 7 to A-level mathematics?

No my school requires a 6 minimum
Original post by Hannahbx_40
They put DDD as the target grades too which I didn’t understand cus I don’t do that bad in class tests and stuff 😭

Target grades mean nothing - ask for your 'working at' grades.
Original post by Muttley79
Target grades mean nothing - ask for your 'working at' grades.

Ohk I’ll ask my teachers for all the subjects when we get back
Original post by Hannahbx_40
Thank You for the response.
I tried doing some and using the mark scheme but some didn’t entirely make sense to me and I couldn’t find an explanation. Any ideas on how to get some explanation ? Tnx again xx

Buy a couple of text books specific to the course eg AQA. Then look up the topic in both. This will take time but even if you don't find the exact answer you will deepen your understanding. You can get books 2nd hand online
Original post by Aquilegia
Buy a couple of text books specific to the course eg AQA. Then look up the topic in both. This will take time but even if you don't find the exact answer you will deepen your understanding. You can get books 2nd hand online

Will deff try that Tysm xx

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