Hiya, this may be a long one. I’m currently a second year university student studying illustration in person. I have a range of illnesses and disabilities which the university were aware of before I joined and reassured me they would be accommodating and inclusive etc. my first year was a struggle but my teacher made it manageable for me to be there. However this year it took me months to fight for any reasonable adjustments with one day working at home etc as they upped the days suddenly in the second year, and I wasn’t able to manage all of them, with both the second year tutor and course leader trying to fight back and say I couldn’t and if I did I would fail the unit or be kicked out when my friend (same uni and course) was allowed the same day as I wanted off (Wednesdays) as she had work. Unfortunately now they are arguing with me on if I should be there or not and telling me to evaluate if this is right for me. The thing it I love the course and my work, it’s just having them constantly on my back for trying to get extensions or reasonable adjustments and the fact I’m struggling to travel in and having them argue about my attendance that I can’t cope with anymore. My health has gotten worse over the time now and I’m struggling to make it in, and my mental health is deteriorating with them constantly saying they may kick me out although the student support said they can’t do that, so I’m not sure. So the question is would I be able to receive a maintenance loan if I moved to an online course with Falmouth and re take my second year due to not being able to keep attending the physical uni and the fact they won’t accommodate me any more. I tried talking to someone on the phone but he had no clue and was sending us in circles, and unfortunately Falmouth don’t know either. I’m really hoping someone can help me as this is definitely making it all worse.