So, I am not a law student myself. But, I can tell you the university does offer alot of opportunities to gain experience in law which would be useful for a finding a job at a law firm. For example, there are a variety of societies such as the Laws Society and the Mooting Society. You can take part in a range of competitions. There's also the opportunity to do Pro-Bono work for the local community.The Careers Department is also useful. They have had a week dedicated to Law where people who work in the law profession come in and give talks. They also have had Law Alumni Panel as well as a Law Careers Fair. The Careers Department also provides alot of support with applications. For example, with writing CVs, cover letters, interview tips, how to find graduate jobs etc. They do also help with finding placements. They also advertise internships - there are ones related to law.
With regards to diversity, the university is highly diverse. There are people from all across the world. There is the opportunity to connect with people from the same background as you, through societies at the student union. For example the student union at Southampton has an African and Caribbean Society. They organise alot of socials and events.
I am not sure what year group you are in (or where you are in the application process), but I would highly recommend you attend an offer holder day (if you have already received an offer) or an open day. There, you will be able to talk to current law students who may be able to tell you about their experience of finding a placement and of the course. In addition, you will be able to get a feel for the campus and see how diverse the student body is. The offer holder days are held early in the year (if you have an offer, you should have been emailed the details) while the open days are held in the summer and in the autumn.
Hope this helps,
Student Ambassador