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Year 11 GCSE Revision

It’s December and i’m in year 11. Those who tend to achieve 8s and 9s, start revising around these times. I want to utilise this half term to my advantage and crack on with some revision. Anyone have any tips?
and anyone know how i can start? as it’s quite awkward and i don’t know where to start as i haven’t even learnt all the content yet for my subjects.
What revision methods would you reccomend?
Original post by Phantomision
It’s December and i’m in year 11. Those who tend to achieve 8s and 9s, start revising around these times. I want to utilise this half term to my advantage and crack on with some revision. Anyone have any tips?
and anyone know how i can start? as it’s quite awkward and i don’t know where to start as i haven’t even learnt all the content yet for my subjects.
What revision methods would you reccomend?

Hi! I'm also in year 11. It's helpful for me that I have mocks when we go back to school, but it's very important to make a revision timetable. I use getrevising which is a free website, it can be super glitchy but once you figure it out it's quite good. Another good thing to do is to RAG all of your topics. Find the specifications of your exams and break each down into revision-sized topics (I like to break sciences into the topics of the questions by topic on physicsandmathstutor so that I can do questions easily). Then go in and highlight each one in red, yellow, or green depending on how confident you are. I put topics which we haven't covered yet in blue just because I like seeing how close we are to finishing. Even in a subject you are very confident with, try to pick at least one topic per subject to put in red. Then the red and yellow topics should give you a good place to start. Remember to take breaks, and keep your timetable a little flexible- you can move revision slots around to do things which are important to you. Best of luck!
Original post by Phantomision
It’s December and i’m in year 11. Those who tend to achieve 8s and 9s, start revising around these times. I want to utilise this half term to my advantage and crack on with some revision. Anyone have any tips?
and anyone know how i can start? as it’s quite awkward and i don’t know where to start as i haven’t even learnt all the content yet for my subjects.
What revision methods would you reccomend?

I'm in Y11 studying for mocks right now, predicted 9s in all core subjects (maths, English, physics, chemistry, biology) so since I assume you are also taking those, I can offer revision advice. For science, I find that making flashcards is very helpful. I use Quizlet for this. After I have made all my notes using freesciencelessons, I will turn them into questions that cover the entire specification. I can send the link to my flashcards for biology or chemistry if it would be helpful for you to see what kinds of questions you can make. Then of course using the flashcards closer to the date of the exam to refresh it in your memory if you are like me and have a poor memory. It is also very important to do past papers and practice questions, particularly for biology as it has a very specific mark scheme. You can find past papers on physicsandmathstutor.
For maths I recommend just doing practice questions to refresh the techniques for each topic in your mind (though that works for me only because of my terrible memory- if you have trouble with understanding the topics I can only suggest watching videos on Youtube, especially ones where they work through problems step-by-step, and then doing practice questions until you get them consistently right). When doing practice questions, work your way up to harder questions, and find 5 mark questions for topics to make sure you can apply the skills in the more difficult questions.
For English, you can make summary notes of chapters/scenes/poems for literature, make word banks for characters, and revise the techniques for each style of question, especially in language papers.
I hope this is helpful and let me know if you have any questions!
Other subjects I do are Spanish, History, RS, and Classical Civilisation if you have any questions about those.

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