Hi, a y12 here. If you revised that much for Y10 mocks (which I'm not sure is actually healthy, then you do have the info in your head to get at least 8s, if not 9s. You're not going to fail your Y11 mocks, so just take a chill pill (for the moment at least). Y11 mocks are'nt the end of the world and are only really used if you want to go to a different sixth form than your school. My advice would be try and focus on your worst subjects/topics, or things you need to memorise a lot for, like english lit. I was facing the same situation as you in my Y11 mocks and I didnt get a grade below an 8. Try and revise somewhat becuase it might not be lack of knowledge that gets you, it could be stress. Also, remember that you aren't the same person you were in Y10 you've learnt more content (and probably harder content) since then, which means that you can't compare yourself now. That's all the advice I have so good luck and try not to stress to much! (and also please don't revise until you're burned out 2.0; you need sleep and you need rest)