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The procrastination chronicles

WSP YALL- I fear I'm no longer procrastinating revision.. I'm just straight up not revising. I HAVE NO MOTIVATION WHATSOEVER. 🙂*↕️

Background information:
Year 11 student
Supposedly smart (peers think i'm smart)
Used to be an academic weapon
Currently an academic victim
Procrastinating physics as I write this
Revised for 3 months straight for my year 10 mocks and got all 9s and was such a weapon but year 10 olivia(me) burnt out year 11 (current) olivia so now i have no motivation to do ANYTHING

y'all actually please help and tell me to get my act together or send toxic study motivation telling me about how i'm a failure and everyone is gonna be disappointed and like ew how did she get such low grades she sucks


IS IT TOO LATE TO BECOME AN ACADEMIC WEAPON AND GET LIKE ALL 8s?? i have like a week until my mocks start and have barely revised 🙂*↕️

thanks for reading and please help yall 🙏
Hi, a y12 here. If you revised that much for Y10 mocks (which I'm not sure is actually healthy, then you do have the info in your head to get at least 8s, if not 9s. You're not going to fail your Y11 mocks, so just take a chill pill (for the moment at least). Y11 mocks are'nt the end of the world and are only really used if you want to go to a different sixth form than your school. My advice would be try and focus on your worst subjects/topics, or things you need to memorise a lot for, like english lit. I was facing the same situation as you in my Y11 mocks and I didnt get a grade below an 8. Try and revise somewhat becuase it might not be lack of knowledge that gets you, it could be stress. Also, remember that you aren't the same person you were in Y10 you've learnt more content (and probably harder content) since then, which means that you can't compare yourself now. That's all the advice I have so good luck and try not to stress to much! (and also please don't revise until you're burned out 2.0; you need sleep and you need rest)
Reply 2
Original post by AcademicWeapon29
Hi, a y12 here. If you revised that much for Y10 mocks (which I'm not sure is actually healthy, then you do have the info in your head to get at least 8s, if not 9s. You're not going to fail your Y11 mocks, so just take a chill pill (for the moment at least). Y11 mocks are'nt the end of the world and are only really used if you want to go to a different sixth form than your school. My advice would be try and focus on your worst subjects/topics, or things you need to memorise a lot for, like english lit. I was facing the same situation as you in my Y11 mocks and I didnt get a grade below an 8. Try and revise somewhat becuase it might not be lack of knowledge that gets you, it could be stress. Also, remember that you aren't the same person you were in Y10 you've learnt more content (and probably harder content) since then, which means that you can't compare yourself now. That's all the advice I have so good luck and try not to stress to much! (and also please don't revise until you're burned out 2.0; you need sleep and you need rest)

Omg- thank you so much that made me feel so much better and calmer!! You sound so wise, thank you so much xxx
Reply 3
Original post by Liv.O
WSP YALL- I fear I'm no longer procrastinating revision.. I'm just straight up not revising. I HAVE NO MOTIVATION WHATSOEVER. 🙂*↕️
Background information:
Year 11 student
Supposedly smart (peers think i'm smart)
Used to be an academic weapon
Currently an academic victim
Procrastinating physics as I write this
Revised for 3 months straight for my year 10 mocks and got all 9s and was such a weapon but year 10 olivia(me) burnt out year 11 (current) olivia so now i have no motivation to do ANYTHING
y'all actually please help and tell me to get my act together or send toxic study motivation telling me about how i'm a failure and everyone is gonna be disappointed and like ew how did she get such low grades she sucks
IS IT TOO LATE TO BECOME AN ACADEMIC WEAPON AND GET LIKE ALL 8s?? i have like a week until my mocks start and have barely revised 🙂*↕️
thanks for reading and please help yall 🙏

fellow y11 student who is in a quite similar situation:
1) if you got straight 9s in ur y10 mocks then idk why you worrying so much.
i got mostly 9s in my y10 mocks with two 8's and a 7.
if you revised that much in y10 then i mean idk if you really need to worry, coz if you already did all the work and put in all the effort at the start then all the knowledge you need will just stick. You are kind of in the ideal situation in which you have put in all the effort beforehand so don't need to worry as much unlike the vast majority of ppl who revise last minute rather than a long time ago.
2) everyone overthinks about mocks. yes they are important but really, screwing them up is not the end of the world (well i doubt u will screw them up coz u got straight 9s last time) coz mocks are really just exams that allow you to screw up so you know where ur gaps are so you can fill them in, but ngl, dw too much coz i did really well in the mocks that i were dreading for. I remember dreading my exams for history but i totally overestimated how hard they were and they weren't that hard and i got 9s so stop worrying.
also, don't be what I am doing and dread not getting a 9, because the average gcse grade across the whole nation is about a 4 or a 5, so, you are literally at the top of the nation in terms of gcse grades.

in terms of ur mocks, it can go two ways
1) you get straight 9's again - probs
and 2) if ur mock grades aren't ideal you'll get more motivation to study and you know what u need to do to get back up.
to sum it up - the one thing u need to learn to do is to take a break, coz we all need a break, and i'm sure you'll get back into things in the new year and when the hols are over. I'm sure your procrastination will go away naturally, that's what happens to most ppl, sometimes it happens but you've been revising in y10 so maybe what u see as procrastination is you taking a break, which is really what everyone needs before the hellfire starts when we get back coz we need to get prepared and be well rested as the next few months will be tough.
Best of luck for ur exams! sure you'll be fine, plz stop worrying and take a break
really, the best piece of advice i can give is to just keep going!
Reply 4
Original post by LXY0705
fellow y11 student who is in a quite similar situation:
1) if you got straight 9s in ur y10 mocks then idk why you worrying so much.
i got mostly 9s in my y10 mocks with two 8's and a 7.
if you revised that much in y10 then i mean idk if you really need to worry, coz if you already did all the work and put in all the effort at the start then all the knowledge you need will just stick. You are kind of in the ideal situation in which you have put in all the effort beforehand so don't need to worry as much unlike the vast majority of ppl who revise last minute rather than a long time ago.
2) everyone overthinks about mocks. yes they are important but really, screwing them up is not the end of the world (well i doubt u will screw them up coz u got straight 9s last time) coz mocks are really just exams that allow you to screw up so you know where ur gaps are so you can fill them in, but ngl, dw too much coz i did really well in the mocks that i were dreading for. I remember dreading my exams for history but i totally overestimated how hard they were and they weren't that hard and i got 9s so stop worrying.
also, don't be what I am doing and dread not getting a 9, because the average gcse grade across the whole nation is about a 4 or a 5, so, you are literally at the top of the nation in terms of gcse grades.
in terms of ur mocks, it can go two ways
1) you get straight 9's again - probs
and 2) if ur mock grades aren't ideal you'll get more motivation to study and you know what u need to do to get back up.
to sum it up - the one thing u need to learn to do is to take a break, coz we all need a break, and i'm sure you'll get back into things in the new year and when the hols are over. I'm sure your procrastination will go away naturally, that's what happens to most ppl, sometimes it happens but you've been revising in y10 so maybe what u see as procrastination is you taking a break, which is really what everyone needs before the hellfire starts when we get back coz we need to get prepared and be well rested as the next few months will be tough.
Best of luck for ur exams! sure you'll be fine, plz stop worrying and take a break
really, the best piece of advice i can give is to just keep going!

Thank you so much!! Good luck with your exams too!!xz

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