The Student Room Group

BA History offer, Durham vs Warwick

I've been offered places at both Durham and Warwick for History. I am an international student, so I cannot join the open day / offer holder's day. Now I'm not sure which one to choose as my firm choice. I'm more concerned about the university reputation, also the graduate employment. Durham's offer is one grade higher than Warwick. Much appreciated if anyone can give me some advices, thanks
Original post by smartcash
I've been offered places at both Durham and Warwick for History. I am an international student, so I cannot join the open day / offer holder's day. Now I'm not sure which one to choose as my firm choice. I'm more concerned about the university reputation, also the graduate employment. Durham's offer is one grade higher than Warwick. Much appreciated if anyone can give me some advices, thanks


Although you can't attend an open/offer day, there are still ways for you to discover Durham without being in Durham. Durham now offers self guided tours that you can access through this link; this offers prospective students the opportunity to tour Durham virtually with audio guides providing information about the city, the different colleges, the different university facilities, etc. I would highly recommend this as it may be the perfect opportunity to be introduced to Durham 🙂 There are also other resources like UniBuddy, which provides you the opportunity to contact Durham students directly and ask them about Durham or their course (you can speak to someone studying history as well), you can find the link here Unibuddy Chat with a student from Durham University - Durham University. Lastly, one thing I would recommend prospective students and offer holders to look at is THE DURHAM STUDENT website which showcases everything Durham has to offer from the prospective of students so you'll see different social media content about Durham life, societies, sports, events, colleges, etc and its the perfect way to get a well rounded view on Durham which can help you choose between Durham or Warwick!

I hope this can help and I am always around to chat if you have more questions about Durham 🙂

(Official DU Rep)
Reply 2
Original post by Durham Rep Ghala
Although you can't attend an open/offer day, there are still ways for you to discover Durham without being in Durham. Durham now offers self guided tours that you can access through this link; this offers prospective students the opportunity to tour Durham virtually with audio guides providing information about the city, the different colleges, the different university facilities, etc. I would highly recommend this as it may be the perfect opportunity to be introduced to Durham 🙂 There are also other resources like UniBuddy, which provides you the opportunity to contact Durham students directly and ask them about Durham or their course (you can speak to someone studying history as well), you can find the link here Unibuddy Chat with a student from Durham University - Durham University. Lastly, one thing I would recommend prospective students and offer holders to look at is THE DURHAM STUDENT website which showcases everything Durham has to offer from the prospective of students so you'll see different social media content about Durham life, societies, sports, events, colleges, etc and its the perfect way to get a well rounded view on Durham which can help you choose between Durham or Warwick!
I hope this can help and I am always around to chat if you have more questions about Durham 🙂
(Official DU Rep)

Thank you
Original post by smartcash
I've been offered places at both Durham and Warwick for History. I am an international student, so I cannot join the open day / offer holder's day. Now I'm not sure which one to choose as my firm choice. I'm more concerned about the university reputation, also the graduate employment. Durham's offer is one grade higher than Warwick. Much appreciated if anyone can give me some advices, thanks

hi congrats on the offer! if it's not bothering, may i ask what were the conditions and your predicted grades? i'm applying to durham history BA too.
Reply 4
Original post by _sherry725
hi congrats on the offer! if it's not bothering, may i ask what were the conditions and your predicted grades? i'm applying to durham history BA too.

Hi, I got A*AA for History, Geography and Eng Lit, thanks.
Original post by smartcash
Hi, I got A*AA for History, Geography and Eng Lit, thanks.

that's very useful, thank you so much!

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