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Heriot Watt Uni or Stirling Uni

I have conditional offers to study International Business Management at Heriot Watt and Business Studies with Management at Stirling. I am more leaning towards Heriot Watt due to them having the exact course i want to study but i really loved stirling but i am a bit weary about their course as i am unsure if they do work placements etc and i cant find anyone on social media who studies business with management at stirling.
Also as for nightlife at stirling how is it?
Both aren't great, Have you considered Edinburgh or Glasgow?
Original post by Academic007
Both aren't great, Have you considered Edinburgh or Glasgow?

What are you basing this on? I know a number of students that have graduated from Stirling who loved their course and one currently in 2nd year Heriot Watt who is also enjoying it.

Neither are you ancient/prestigious universities, but that is not always important, the feel of the university is as important. Take Edinburgh it may be one of the top universities world wide, but has recently had negative press and student feedback is low.
Original post by Anonymous
What are you basing this on? I know a number of students that have graduated from Stirling who loved their course and one currently in 2nd year Heriot Watt who is also enjoying it.
Neither are you ancient/prestigious universities, but that is not always important, the feel of the university is as important. Take Edinburgh it may be one of the top universities world wide, but has recently had negative press and student feedback is low.

In Business reputation matters. Most employers would be familiar with Edinburgh and hold it in high regard, I can't say the same of the universities you've listed. Unless you're long term goal is to stay in Scotland then I would say always go for the better-ranked university. Your uni experience only lasts a few years, what matters the most is securing a good job.
Original post by Academic007
In Business reputation matters. Most employers would be familiar with Edinburgh and hold it in high regard, I can't say the same of the universities you've listed. Unless you're long term goal is to stay in Scotland then I would say always go for the better-ranked university. Your uni experience only lasts a few years, what matters the most is securing a good job.

While you're correct about reputation, I'd say that isn't all that matters. I can't speak for Stirling, but the Edinburgh Business School is located at Heriot-Watt university, not UofE. HW is also 1st in Scotland and 2nd in the UK for graduate employability - so if actually getting a job through business is the goal, then I'd say HW is still a good and secure choice.
Original post by eieospapz39
I have conditional offers to study International Business Management at Heriot Watt and Business Studies with Management at Stirling. I am more leaning towards Heriot Watt due to them having the exact course i want to study but i really loved stirling but i am a bit weary about their course as i am unsure if they do work placements etc and i cant find anyone on social media who studies business with management at stirling.
Also as for nightlife at stirling how is it?


Congratulations on your conditional offers from Heriot-Watt University and Stirling University!

Both universities have a lot to offer. Having completed my undergraduate degree and currently pursuing my master's at Heriot-Watt, I can definitely say it's a fantastic university. The international business course offers an excellent exchange programme, allowing students to study or work in Europe or beyond for a full academic year. The career prospects are also impressive, with 78% of graduates from the international business programme employed 15 months after graduation. In terms of nightlife, if you choose to live on campus there are regular bus services to get in and out of the city centre with lots of bars to visit in Edinburgh and the same can be said for Stirling university.

Hopefully this helps,

MSc Real Estate student

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