The Student Room Group

The pressure to have a relationship in high school

Hi there! I’m 18 years old (female), senior year in high school . I’m just a confused teen about highschool romance to cut it short.👍

All of my friends are crazy about boys, relationships, crushes and situationships. I’ve been in some relationships and went to dates throughout my high school years but things never got too serious and I’m not the type to be head over heels for a boy just as I met him. Also the last time I was in a relationship was one year ago, so I’m not that quick to fall in love . But I’ve seen my friends leaving relationships and just 2-3 months later be in a new relationship or start to date another guy and it left me wondering if I’m doing something wrong , like my romantic life is not that ‘spicy’ if anything it’s almost nonexistent. I know it’s a common thing at this age to feel this way, I wouldn’t force anything with a guy either I rather let things unfold by themselves.
I know this question may sound unrealistic and even stupid, but will I find love too? Seeing almost everyone having a special someone made me feel a little lonely. I’m really happy and content with myself , I’m focusing on my exams as well, but you know..

Thank you for reading this!
Original post by Anonymous
Hi there! I’m 18 years old (female), senior year in high school . I’m just a confused teen about highschool romance to cut it short.👍
All of my friends are crazy about boys, relationships, crushes and situationships. I’ve been in some relationships and went to dates throughout my high school years but things never got too serious and I’m not the type to be head over heels for a boy just as I met him. Also the last time I was in a relationship was one year ago, so I’m not that quick to fall in love . But I’ve seen my friends leaving relationships and just 2-3 months later be in a new relationship or start to date another guy and it left me wondering if I’m doing something wrong , like my romantic life is not that ‘spicy’ if anything it’s almost nonexistent. I know it’s a common thing at this age to feel this way, I wouldn’t force anything with a guy either I rather let things unfold by themselves.
I know this question may sound unrealistic and even stupid, but will I find love too? Seeing almost everyone having a special someone made me feel a little lonely. I’m really happy and content with myself , I’m focusing on my exams as well, but you know..
Thank you for reading this!
Hello! Maybe you just haven't found the one yet.
My advice is to think about your priorities- is it education and getting the grades you want, or getting into a relationship that is not promised. Friendships and romantic relationships can change and disappear, but education and knowledge is something that no one can take away from you.
When you have thought about all the positives and consequences, you will have an answer that no one else can change your mind on.
Hope that helps!!
I'm gonna be honest, you're probably not missing much. Most relationships at that age and of that type are very emotionally rough and unpredictable, i.e. you'll be amazingly lovey-dovey and into each other and over the moon one week and the next week everything is smashed to pieces. This is what your friends are going through right now, because that's just how 18-year-olds are and how high school is.

You don't have to be in any kind of a rush, and if you're comfortable and happy in yourself, don't let peer pressure tell you otherwise. You're doing exactly the right thing by not forcing anything to happen. Connections that evolve naturally are much more meaningful.
Why or who or what is even pressuring you into a relationship?
if you don't feel inclined to be in a relationship like the people around you, don't force it. it's perfectly okay to feel like this, and even though i understand that it's strange being with friends who are constantly in relationships or are boy crazy, it isn't an expectation. there are so many more exciting things to be doing than chasing romance in my opinion, and if you do find a connection with someone, that's great!

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