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How much does Gcse Matter for University

Hey guy I'm kinda stressing about uni and futher studies, my gcses weren't great mostly ranging from 5-8s but I'm jus stressing about uni and how this will affect me for uni, I don't really wanna go any fancy unis but jus wondering if it's possible to get into a Russel group with bad gcse grades
For most, including most RG unis, not much provided you passed English language and maths.

For a couple, such as some courses at LSE, many courses at Oxford, and some medicine (likely also vet med or dentistry) courses, they may shortlist on the basis of GCSEs. However not all courses at LSE or Oxford weight GCSEs that heavily anyway, and not all medicine (and probably not all vet med or dentistry) courses score GCSEs at all.

Basically it's fine. Just focus on doing well in your A-levels.
Thank you so much, I really want to do Economics at a Uni such as Bath or Bristol or Birmingham, do u think it is possible with my grades...
Original post by looking-likeness
Thank you so much, I really want to do Economics at a Uni such as Bath or Bristol or Birmingham, do u think it is possible with my grades...

I applied to all 3 of those unis for economics this year. For Bristol in terms of grades it's weighted 80% A level and 20% GCSE. Not sure about the other 2 but they prob don't care about GCSE that much past the minimum requirements. Also grades 5 to 8 isn't bad at all. Just do good in your A levels (especially maths) and you should get offers :smile:
Thank you so much, u don't understand how much stress this has taken off my shoulders, had sleepless nightmares of not going uni, thank u for this...
Reply 5
Original post by pagan-scimitar
I applied to all 3 of those unis for economics this year. For Bristol in terms of grades it's weighted 80% A level and 20% GCSE. Not sure about the other 2 but they prob don't care about GCSE that much past the minimum requirements. Also grades 5 to 8 isn't bad at all. Just do good in your A levels (especially maths) and you should get offers :smile:

Hi 2nd year finance and economics student here. For Bristol Uni, you would be correct with the grade ratios. However, if you did really badly at GCSE, for example only passing English, Maths, Science at a grade of C. But, you get really good A levels results, then they will consider based off the A level results entirely, sorta like a job application (latest). It’s all down to the “individual assessment” that universities consider you. Many of my mates who did very mediocre at GCSE, but did really well at A levels still got into very top unis, other than Cambridge/Oxford. I wish you luck in your applications, if you have any questions about what you might cover and little tips and tricks that a very handy for economics, don’t be afraid to ask. :smile:
Original post by Rhewer1
Hi 2nd year finance and economics student here. For Bristol Uni, you would be correct with the grade ratios. However, if you did really badly at GCSE, for example only passing English, Maths, Science at a grade of C. But, you get really good A levels results, then they will consider based off the A level results entirely, sorta like a job application (latest). It’s all down to the “individual assessment” that universities consider you. Many of my mates who did very mediocre at GCSE, but did really well at A levels still got into very top unis, other than Cambridge/Oxford. I wish you luck in your applications, if you have any questions about what you might cover and little tips and tricks that a very handy for economics, don’t be afraid to ask. :smile:

Thank you so much, I mean I passed everything and got 6s and 8s in maths and English, so I feel a bit more confident, what would u say would be the best way to make urself a good candidate for economics degree at RG unis
Reply 7
Original post by looking-likeness
Thank you so much, I mean I passed everything and got 6s and 8s in maths and English, so I feel a bit more confident, what would u say would be the best way to make urself a good candidate for economics degree at RG unis

I’m going to be honest here, with Russel group unis, some of them yes are very good, but that doesn’t mean you will have the best job outcome or any sort of guarantee after you graduate. I say this because, majority of people do attend a university nowadays, so it becomes less “valuable” in the grand scheme of things. I would personally say, look at university that suit your needs best. For example, if you engage with your lecturer, engage in class discussion, and just overall benefit from talking to your professors. A big RG or most RG ain’t right for you. Due to the big class sizes I’m talking 40+ students here. Thought I would say that to give you an alternative perspective to how to approach university. But to answer your question about “standing out” in the application process. There isn’t really a way to stand out other than your grades and personal statement unfortunately. This is me being brutally honest and not sugar coating anything. Before you accept any universities on results day (you typically have a few hours to decide) look at the university as a whole. Is the course modules offered something you’re interested in? Look at the cost of living in that area? Look at satisfaction ratings on UCAS. Sorry it’s abit long but many students don’t look at this sort of things and either drop out or change course in the first year. Like the university, you need to do your own individual assessment based on yourself. Hope this helps :smile:
I got A*AAAABBBCCC and got into Leeds.
I'm going to be doing postgrad at Edinburgh.

Your grades are fine for RG unis, don't worry about it.

Unless you're going in for medicine, only Oxford puts significant emphasis on GCSEs.
Original post by looking-likeness
Thank you so much, I really want to do Economics at a Uni such as Bath or Bristol or Birmingham, do u think it is possible with my grades...

Completely dependent on your A-level results. But there's no reason to suppose you can't get suitable A-level predicted grades to apply to those kinds of unis. :smile:

Note you specify "Russell Group" in your original post, but Bath is not an RG uni. Try to avoid saying "Russell Group" if you just mean "reputable/high ranked" unis, because while there is overlap there are plenty of very strong unis (such as Bath) which aren't in the RG, and plenty of RG unis that are so-so. :wink:

Note LSE expects you to take A-level FM for economics if your school offers it.
(edited 1 month ago)

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