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A Level Subject Options for an economics degree at LSE.

Im a current year 11 student looking to study Maths, economics and physics at A level, I also have aspirations of studying economics at LSE.Will these subjects allow me the best chance of joining LSE ?
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 1
Original post by 247BR
Im a current year 11 student looking to study Maths, economics and physics at A level, I also have aspirations of studying economics at LSE.Will these subjects allow me the best chance of joining LSE ?

hi, maths econ and physics is a good combo, but id recommend further maths as well, as almost nobody gets into lse econ without further maths. if ur skl doesnt offer it thats fine, but defo do some self study of it
Original post by 247BR
Im a current year 11 student looking to study Maths, economics and physics at A level, I also have aspirations of studying economics at LSE.Will these subjects allow me the best chance of joining LSE ?
At the LSE Open Day presentation talk for BSc Economics: "LSE want 4 A-Levels with Maths and Further Maths as essential and 2 from Economics, Physics and History." Also, 95% of applicants accepted have A-Level Further Maths or equivalent. So, you really must self-study A-Level Further Maths for a great chance of success at LSE Economics and not forgetting to write a 'stellar' UCAS Personal Statement too. Because the LSE regards the UCAS Personal Statement as a very important and often it is the deciding factor of making an offer to an applicant. 🙂

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