I'm 19f, moved to a new town over a year ago and still have no friends/no boyfriend.
I made a few friends at work at the beginning of the year at work who I would go out with, but when I was forced to quit our connections fizzled out. I have no one to talk to here, no one to go out with and no one who I can even count as a casual friend.
I'm even volunteering atm, but everyone is much much older than me so we're at different stages of life. I don't know what to do, I feel so utterly helpless. I'm beginning a short college course in the new year, but I have no hope for making friends there either as it's such a short amount of time.
People seem to like me, but never take me seriously and I feel like I'm always being made fun off behind my back. No one ever seems to want to know me and I lack social skills due to being isolated by my parents when I was little. I'm so desperate for friends I would literally do anything, and it's gotten past the point where I can use "being the new girl" as an excuse. I need help.