The Student Room Group

Application to sixth form-will i be accepted?

I am a year 11 student who has done the November mocks and need to apply to sixth form
My predicted grades are:
English language - 8
English lit - 7
Maths - 5
Chemistry - 6
Physics - 5
Computing - 5
Russian - 6
History - 4
Religious studies - 7

I really wanted to choose computer science as one of my a levels in sixth form, but my schools requirements for this is a 6 in computer science and 6 in maths. I haven’t reached those grades from my November mocks, but do you think my school will consider my offer if I improve in my February mocks and then meet those requirements?
Or would they only look at my November mock results?
Computing is an a level I was highly considering along with phycology and perhaps economics, although I’m still unsure on economics and need a backup.
Do you think I will be accepted into my sixth form to do computer science?
Original post by Aleenach
I am a year 11 student who has done the November mocks and need to apply to sixth form
My predicted grades are:
English language - 8
English lit - 7
Maths - 5
Chemistry - 6
Physics - 5
Computing - 5
Russian - 6
History - 4
Religious studies - 7
I really wanted to choose computer science as one of my a levels in sixth form, but my schools requirements for this is a 6 in computer science and 6 in maths. I haven’t reached those grades from my November mocks, but do you think my school will consider my offer if I improve in my February mocks and then meet those requirements?
Or would they only look at my November mock results?
Computing is an a level I was highly considering along with phycology and perhaps economics, although I’m still unsure on economics and need a backup.
Do you think I will be accepted into my sixth form to do computer science?

Sixth Forms usually make 'conditional offers' and therefore dont make final decisions until you actually have your GCSE grades. So, unless you are doing a GCSE Maths course where you cant actually get a grade 6, or this school is very, very picky about predicted grades/mock grades etc, you will probably be made an offer.
Original post by Aleenach
I am a year 11 student who has done the November mocks and need to apply to sixth form
My predicted grades are:
English language - 8
English lit - 7
Maths - 5
Chemistry - 6
Physics - 5
Computing - 5
Russian - 6
History - 4
Religious studies - 7
I really wanted to choose computer science as one of my a levels in sixth form, but my schools requirements for this is a 6 in computer science and 6 in maths. I haven’t reached those grades from my November mocks, but do you think my school will consider my offer if I improve in my February mocks and then meet those requirements?
Or would they only look at my November mock results?
Computing is an a level I was highly considering along with phycology and perhaps economics, although I’m still unsure on economics and need a backup.
Do you think I will be accepted into my sixth form to do computer science?

you can either work really hard to boost your grades to ensure you meet the requirements or alternatively have a meeting with someone (head of sixth or something) to talk through why you want to do computer science a level and see if they would make an exception if you had a lower grade. the best thing to do would be to achieve the actual requirements so get revising and ask your teachers how you could improve your grades etc

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