The Student Room Group

dentistry interview tips

hi, i’m reapplying to dentistry this year and was wondering what resources people used to practice for dental interviews, and if people had any tips and tricks they used for their dental interviews that were successful. i received two interview offers last year but unfortunately didn’t get selected to study dentistry, so i was looking for tips and resources to help my interview skills and have better answers for any curveball interview questions they may throw at me. thanks!
Original post by arsalan..
hi, i’m reapplying to dentistry this year and was wondering what resources people used to practice for dental interviews, and if people had any tips and tricks they used for their dental interviews that were successful. i received two interview offers last year but unfortunately didn’t get selected to study dentistry, so i was looking for tips and resources to help my interview skills and have better answers for any curveball interview questions they may throw at me. thanks!

Hi, I’m applying to medicine, but a friend of mine at school is applying to dentistry and uses mostly the same resources and tips that I do.

. Firstly, to stay on top of the most recent news, I use articles on TheUKCAT people website

Which also includes questions for practice on specific news topic and tips on how to answer them.

My friend also mentioned they use for news.

. Look back on your interviews and consider where you struggled in and what areas of preparation you didn’t devote enough time too, etc. Focus on those weakest areas, but don’t focus on them too much that you neglect other questions.

. Read the equivalent to the GMC Good medical practice (it would be a document on the GDC website, don’t know what it’s called). And bring these up in ethical questions and use them to prepare!

Hope this helps

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