So, for context, I'm a freshman in high school (or Year 10 in the UK), and I like this boy in my classes. He's kind, funny, laid-back and very clever. However, he's also one of the most popular boys in the whole school. He hangs out with boys from older years and hangs out with the popular crowd of our year. I'm not popular. I'm not disliked or anything, I'm just average.
I'm in the school band in the music department (I take singing course). A couple of months back, I was at rehearsal with the rest of the band (we were doing a xmas concert) and suddenly the boy I like walks in. Our music teacher has asked him to play piano (and he is REALLY good, top grade). He doesn't notice me much at first, until I start singing and he realises it's me. From that rehearsal onwards, he started acting differently towards me. He started smiling at me more, I've caught him staring a couple of times, he started talking to me more and I even text him now!
Not only this, but he's started complimenting my singing a lot and one weekend, I saw him in the local supermarket and he looked at me, smiled, blushed and then darted down the next isle out of view. Also, one rehearsal, I was in my gym clothes (we had a lunchtime rehearsal, and I just so happened to have double Dance class either side of Lunch, so I stayed in gym clothes). My gym clothes are nike pro leggings and a fitted t-shirt (school branded). I noticed he was looking at me a lot more that rehearsal. As someone he's never really noticed before, I've been quite surprised.
When we text, he's started hearting some of my messages and I've been doing the same back. I've also tried being a lil bit witty and subtly flirty. However, he normally answers with shorter messages than mine and he doesn't really do anything to really progress the conversation, I have to keep asking questions or making comments to continue the texting, otherwise it just comes to a stand still. I'm not sure if this is just because he's not much of a texter or he's awkward when texting, or if he's sick of talking to me. I can't even tell at this point.
There's lots of signs pointing towards him liking me, but then when we text, it just feels like he's sick of me at times (NOTE: we text more than talk irl, cuz we're of two different social classes in school so we can't interact that much).
Does anyone have any advice for me?