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What degree should I do

Hi, I’m a year 12 currently doing a levels. I’m doing geography, psychology and English lit and enjoy all of my subjects a lot.

However, because of this I have no idea what sort of degree I’d like to do! I’ve got a few lines of careers. That I’d be interested in.
- psychology
-journalism (or media)
- working with charities or NGO’s
- geography
- being in the publishing industry

I’m also not sure what sort of work experience I could get for each of these areas. I think that once I do that I’ll have a better idea of what sort of course I’d like to do at uni. My GCSE’s were 5s in chem and bio, 6 in business, 7s in sociology, geography, maths,physics, language and Rs, and an 8 in English lit. Obviously uni wise I’ve ruled out applying to oxbridge but would still like to get into a russel group uni, but I’m wondering if my grades rule any of my degrees out?

Thank you!
most of what you've listened would be achievable via an english degree since that can take you anywhere that isn't the sciences really! however, the careers "psychology" and "geography" are very broad but would both likely require some science-based degree. maybe consider what parts of each subject you like and why, and then see if there are corresponding career paths to that. for example, if you really liked the biology aspect of psychology, you could look into neuroscience as a career path. similarly, geography can be basically anything since it is both human and physical. which, if any, do you prefer? where could that take you? what are the potential job roles you could get from each degree path?

your gcse grades are unlikely to limit you (except for oxbridge, which you've said) since you got a high pass and above in everything which is a really good gcse profile!! i switched through three or four different degrees between january of year 12 and actually applying, so don't feel like you need to have it all sorted out right now, either.

best of luck with figuring things out!!
Original post by Carysconnolly
Hi, I’m a year 12 currently doing a levels. I’m doing geography, psychology and English lit and enjoy all of my subjects a lot.
However, because of this I have no idea what sort of degree I’d like to do! I’ve got a few lines of careers. That I’d be interested in.
- psychology
-journalism (or media)
- working with charities or NGO’s
- geography
- being in the publishing industry
I’m also not sure what sort of work experience I could get for each of these areas. I think that once I do that I’ll have a better idea of what sort of course I’d like to do at uni. My GCSE’s were 5s in chem and bio, 6 in business, 7s in sociology, geography, maths,physics, language and Rs, and an 8 in English lit. Obviously uni wise I’ve ruled out applying to oxbridge but would still like to get into a russel group uni, but I’m wondering if my grades rule any of my degrees out?
Thank you!

I imagine that working on the student newspaper at your college would be a good way of getting work experience for journalism

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