Hi, I’m a year 12 currently doing a levels. I’m doing geography, psychology and English lit and enjoy all of my subjects a lot.
However, because of this I have no idea what sort of degree I’d like to do! I’ve got a few lines of careers. That I’d be interested in.
- psychology
-journalism (or media)
- working with charities or NGO’s
- geography
- being in the publishing industry
I’m also not sure what sort of work experience I could get for each of these areas. I think that once I do that I’ll have a better idea of what sort of course I’d like to do at uni. My GCSE’s were 5s in chem and bio, 6 in business, 7s in sociology, geography, maths,physics, language and Rs, and an 8 in English lit. Obviously uni wise I’ve ruled out applying to oxbridge but would still like to get into a russel group uni, but I’m wondering if my grades rule any of my degrees out?
Thank you!