The Student Room Group

Jobs at 16

I would love to have a job duriNg the summer after my GCSE's are completed. But I am not sure how to go about it and ahat places will take me. (I have no experience by the way)
Tutoring jobs are good but they'd take place throughout the academic year, so it'd be a part time job through out year 12. Potentially some sort of Summer Camp leader but you may need to be over 18 for that...
Original post by Xiu1234.
I would love to have a job duriNg the summer after my GCSE's are completed. But I am not sure how to go about it and ahat places will take me. (I have no experience by the way)

i mean apply closer to the time but apply to anywhere you can get to with availability. a lot of smaller businesses take on under 18s so might be worth emailing places like this. make sure to specify when applying what you are looking for tho whether it's just a summer job or if you would want to carry on part time after summer.
Original post by Xiu1234.
I would love to have a job duriNg the summer after my GCSE's are completed. But I am not sure how to go about it and ahat places will take me. (I have no experience by the way)

Mot shops, suparmarkets, fast food places, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, local attractions etc etc take on people from 16.
It might also be easier to find a permanent job, part time doing a few hours a week in an evening/at a weekend.
I used to work at mcdonalds. They are very flexible and take on a lot of students.

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