I’m in year 13 at the moment doing Chemistry, Biology and History. My GCSEs went well and I’m proud of myself for making it this far.
However recently my mental health has absolutely plummeted to a degree that I can’t explain. The pressure of exams and the fear of failure is enough to send me over the edge. In year 12 I got AAC, which was very lucky but I genuinely felt like my life was going to end while sitting those exams, having panic attacks everyday and getting little to no sleep.
I have year 13 mocks in a week and I feel like everything is falling apart. The stress of this year was unbearable with my UCAS application, juggling all the new content and my NEA for history that I’m super behind on. This entire winter break I tried studying but barely got anything done, I kept having panic attacks when things got to complicated and I didn’t understand them.
I’m considering not doing anything else and just putting my head down and waiting for the mocks to be over before I can continue catching up on content.
However I am considering just dropping out for the sake of my mental health.
I don’t have much friends and the support from my teachers is very poor even when I have asked for it. Its the lowest I’ve ever felt. I constantly compare myself to my classmates who find it effortless and always have the support from teachers. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
I want to take a year out to work on myself and become a stronger person before picking up where I left off in year 13 when I’m actually in the headspace to understand and retain information. I don’t know if it’s even possible to do. I’d like to hear others opinions on this. Thank you for any suggestions.