I'm from the UK (England) and I think I've really messed up my 3 med interviews and I'm really uncertain I'll get in😭. Therefore, I was thinking of applying to medicine in Ireland. (also it genuinely seems really great). I'm taking a levels in maths, chem, bio and an epq.
However, the HPAT seems really tricky icl and I don't want to spend over 400 euros on medentry (seems so extortionate and greedy 😑). I've taken the UCAT already several months ago and I achieved 85th percentile in that and I wanted to know if I could get away with just using the ACER tests and some free resources? If anyone has any experience of taking both the UCAT and the HPAT please could you tell me if you think there's any correlation between the tests?
I am aware that applying to medicine in Ireland is also highly competitive but I'm thinking it's better to try than regret it.
Alsooo, since I'm going to submit my application on CAO pretty soon if anyone has any opinions on which one they think is best as a top choice that would be greatly appreciated! (I know trinity is meant to be ranked the highest but I don't really care about online rankings)