so i want to do law and am planning on applying to these unis: nottingham birmingham Southampton warwick bristol my predicted are A*A*A and i’m pretty confident i can get AAA but am aiming for my predicted grades. i just feel like im taking a huge gamble because i don’t have a backup option. the lowest grades i need out of these options is AAB so im slightly worried if something goes wrong on the day. i was thinking of what i could put as a backup uni for ages but i cannot think of one id want to go to and i dont want to waste a spot for a uni im not content on going to. what should i do? is this a risk worth taking?
so i want to do law and am planning on applying to these unis: nottingham birmingham Southampton warwick bristol my predicted are A*A*A and i’m pretty confident i can get AAA but am aiming for my predicted grades. i just feel like im taking a huge gamble because i don’t have a backup option. the lowest grades i need out of these options is AAB so im slightly worried if something goes wrong on the day. i was thinking of what i could put as a backup uni for ages but i cannot think of one id want to go to and i dont want to waste a spot for a uni im not content on going to. what should i do? is this a risk worth taking?
Hi @lollytmi, Those are are some excellent predicted grades. Well done. Based on these, I would say to trust in yourself. It is clear that your teachers belive you can reach these grades and even if you don't quite make those grades, you still have a bit of room between your predicted grades and the grades you need for your courses. If something does go wrong, you can always go through clearing. However, you can get the grades you want with the right motivation and revision and your teachers have full faith in you. I hope this helps reassure you Matthew Student Ambassador
If, for whatever reason, you get lower grades next August, there will be plenty of sensible Universities accepting BBB for LLB in Clearing - Sussex as one example.
so i want to do law and am planning on applying to these unis: nottingham birmingham Southampton warwick bristol my predicted are A*A*A and i’m pretty confident i can get AAA but am aiming for my predicted grades. i just feel like im taking a huge gamble because i don’t have a backup option. the lowest grades i need out of these options is AAB so im slightly worried if something goes wrong on the day. i was thinking of what i could put as a backup uni for ages but i cannot think of one id want to go to and i dont want to waste a spot for a uni im not content on going to. what should i do? is this a risk worth taking?
This is a difficult one because the risk could potentially be high, but then it could also not be too high. It really depends on results day. I would always recommend anyone to put down a lower grade insurance offer to be safe, however, if you did want to take a risk that you wouldn't get the grades you need you could always apply through clearing. Some of the very best students got into University through clearing so this is not a bad option, it just means that you might be slightly more limited over where you can go and what you can study.
May I ask what you are looking for in a University and why you might not be able to find one you would want to go to?