Hi there, I know from the title this may seem a bit odd so I wanted to emphasise.
In the last few months I have pretty much decided to turn my life around and change my course that I am studying. I was doing adult nursing at university however through time realised this wasnt for me at all and that I had to try something else
. I am now applying to do a HNC business/marketing course which would involve me changing from university to college which I am fine with. I am working on my personal statement right now and I’m wondering if I really should mention the fact that I went to university to study something else previously but i realised through time that it wasn’t for me etc etc and elaborate on that……or if it’s not really necessary? This is what I’m wondering
I have been working pretty much since i started university so it is not as though I have no work experience or anything to talk about. I was just curious as I wasn’t sure if maybe these places would potentially look down on you for changing courses (as daft as that sounds, I’m just nervous).
Has anyone else changed courses and ended up mentioning it when applying elsewhere as I genuinely don’t know whether I should or not