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Any revision advice/tips for A-Level Maths?

Hey guys y13 here with my maths A-Level exams in 5 months. I was wondering if there were any good revision tips for maths? I'm currently working at a B with a predicted A and have not gotten a single A throughout the duration of sixth form. Right now, I do the questions marked E and E/P in the edexcel textbook as I know that they are the hard ones. I also do past paper questions. The only thing I struggle on is thinking of how to go about the more layered and cryptic questions, the really hard questions. My first source of help when I come across these questions is to look at mark schemes/ solution banks however these are rarely helpful in helping me understand the first course of action when encountering the question/similar questions. Sometimes they also rarely help me understand why you have to do what you need to do. Looking at exam paper walkthroughs is a little helpful however walkthroughs on edexcel textbook questions is rare.

Any advice?
FOr the textbook question walkthroughs, use solution bank on pmt - answers:
Practise, practise, practise. Make sure you're doing loads of questions on topics you are finding difficult. I would also complete as papers to secure year 1 knowledge and then begin to complete a level papers. I think you'll begin to notice a patten in the way the questions are written and structured in each of the exam papers.

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