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Aqa science textbooks vs specification

Do the AQA GCSE science textbooks (higher) cover all the content given on the specification. I've made notes based off of the textbooks and I was just wondering if I should look over the specification or if all the content needed is in the textbooks ?
Check through the spec and see if everything is covered?
Reply 2
Original post by spreo
Do the AQA GCSE science textbooks (higher) cover all the content given on the specification. I've made notes based off of the textbooks and I was just wondering if I should look over the specification or if all the content needed is in the textbooks ?

To be frank, I would recommend the CGP revision books, the textbooks either put far too much detail, or don't specify essential information. Like for example in chemistry, it says in the specification that you need to know what the reaction between sodium hydrogen-carbonate and citric acid is endothermic. But I rarely see it in the textbooks we get given in class; but it's present in the CGP books and in the PMT notes. But if you've made all your notes, just go through the specification for the relevant topic and add information where relevant.

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