The Student Room Group

Midwifery degree funding - wanting to change from Nursing to Midwifery

I was previously enrolled on an Adult Nursing course but only completed a year and a half of this.

I have received previous funding for my first degree and postgraduate studies (Not healthcare related).

I was able to get a second undergraduate loan for Nursing with it being an allied healthcare course. I want to change to Midwifery (which is also eligible for funding as a second degree).

As I have already completed a year and a half of the Nursing course, how would this affect funding if I switched to midwifery? Would I be eligible for any funding at as i'm not professionally registered in that specific health field?

Or would I be able to apply for the funding for the duration of time I had left of the Nursing course?
Hi there,

Can you confirm the full name of the new course, what university will you attend and the duration of the course? Do you already hold an undergraduate and postgraduate degree?

Thanks, Drew
Reply 2
I’m not sure which university yet as I haven’t applied incase I’m not eligible for funding. Whichever university it is, it will be a course that leads to registration as a midwife- perhaps Teeside, Northumbria, Sunderland.

Yes I already hold an undergraduate and postgraduate degree which I undertook several years ago.

I then started the Nursing course in 2023 which I was able to receive funding for.
Hi there,

This type of course should still be classed as an exception course which means you can apply for full funding. We would not take your previous study of qualifications into consideration when assessing your entitlement.

Thanks, Drew
Reply 4
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,
This type of course should still be classed as an exception course which means you can apply for full funding. We would not take your previous study of qualifications into consideration when assessing your entitlement.
Thanks, Drew

Hi, so even even I’ve already received funding for part of an exception course recently?
Hi there,

Yes as it is a new exception course and you have already advised you are not registered in the field that you want to study.

Thanks, Drew

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