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What course should I choose?

I’m stuck between choosing international tourism
management for uni and what jobs can you get from there. But the thing is if I want to choose my course to nursing what do I study for in college? Like do I do another year and the go on to do nursing at uni or what?
You dont need 'a degree in tourism' to work in that area - it would be far better to just do any sort of business related course, or to get an apprenticeship - or just get a job.
Resort Employment and Hospitality Careers on
Traveljobs | jobs | Choose from 594 live vacancies

If you are interested in Nursing, then have a look at the Uni entry requirements - or there are associate / apprenticeships roles :
Nursing careers | Health Careers
Nursing - ARU
Nursing | Edge Hill University
Nursing associate | Health Careers
I can only respond to the nursing bit as im in year 13 who applied to child nursing for the 2025 entry. For college you can either do (if available) Btec national extended diploma in health & social care/ Child learning & development/ Applied science. You can also do alevel sociology & psychology (alevel biology/chemistry would help but its not really required by most unis - still look at the entry requirements tho) Or if the btec is only equivalent to 1 or 2 alevels then you can mix and match with one or two alevel subjects. (If the btec in your college is equivalent to 3 alevels then please save yourself and do them instead of doing 3 alevel subjects)

I do alevel psychology, geography and religious studies. However i regret not moving sixth forms and doing alevel psychology + btec health and social care (equivalent to 2 alevels)

Hello there!

Choosing between International Tourism Management and Nursing depends on your interests and career goals.
If you’re passionate about travel, hospitality, and managing experiences for others, International Tourism Management could lead to careers in event planning, tourism marketing, hotel management, or destination management. It offers diverse opportunities in a growing global industry.

If you’re more interested in healthcare, helping others, and making a tangible difference in people’s lives, Nursing might be a better fit. To pursue Nursing, you will likely need to meet specific entry requirements, including science-related qualifications like Biology.

Ultimately, consider what excites you the most and aligns with your long-term aspirations. Research both fields, speak to professionals, and weigh the job prospects and required commitments before making your decision.

Coventry University has some great courses.
For example International Hospitality and Tourism Management BA (Hons)
or Nursing Bsc

I hope this helps!
Good luck!

Reka - Coventry University Student Ambassador

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