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Uni of Leeds vs Uni of Manchester

Which is better the Uni of Leeds or Uni of Manchester
(edited 1 month ago)

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Reply 1
Which is better the Uni of Leeds or Uni of Manchester (the course I'm doing is Adult Nursing and I'm a guy)
hi! i think itd be helpful if you also mention the area of interest, because unis can differ in various topics
Original post by jsshisj
Which is better the Uni of Leeds or Uni of Manchester

For which degree subject?
And what do you mean by 'better'?
Original post by jsshisj
Which is better the Uni of Leeds or Uni of Manchester (the course I'm doing is Adult Nursing and I'm a guy)

Both courses will be held to the same standard by the NMC and your future employers won't care where you studied. Instead focus on which uni will suit you best in terms of the timing and location of placements, availability and cost of accommodation (for all years of the course), social life, etc.
Original post by jsshisj
Which is better the Uni of Leeds or Uni of Manchester (the course I'm doing is Adult Nursing and I'm a guy)

Manchester has better overall reputation and social life.
Original post by Wired_1800
Manchester has better overall reputation and social life.

Reputation really doesn't matter for healthcare courses. :smile:
Original post by normaw
Reputation really doesn't matter for healthcare courses. :smile:

I agree. I was talking about reputation in general.
Reply 8
Original post by McGinger
For which degree subject?
And what do you mean by 'better'?

Adult nursing
Original post by jsshisj
Adult nursing

For Nursing, it wont make any difference which Uni you go to - they are RCN accredited courses, with an identical syllabus, and all accredited courses qualify you as a professional nurse. This is an example of where 'RG' make absolutely no difference at all and will have no significance. The NHS will not care where you trained, and neither will your future patients.
Reply 10
Original post by McGinger
For Nursing, it wont make any difference which Uni you go to - they are RCN accredited courses, with an identical syllabus, and all accredited courses qualify you as a professional nurse. This is an example of where 'RG' make absolutely no difference at all and will have no significance. The NHS will not care where you trained, and neither will your future patients.

ok thxs for the help
if it helps !! i prefer uni of leeds’ campus (feels like a small town, very close to city centre) to uni of manchester (flat and spread out, far from city centre). i’ve been at leeds for 4 months now and i love it here!
Reply 12
Original post by charmaine.d
if it helps !! i prefer uni of leeds’ campus (feels like a small town, very close to city centre) to uni of manchester (flat and spread out, far from city centre). i’ve been at leeds for 4 months now and i love it here!

I like that it is close to the city centre and I feel like I would like Leeds more than Manchester. However, Manchester does offer a lot of optional modules that I can do in 2 and 3 years for the course (adult nursing) I'm going to do, but Leeds doesn't offer optional modules.
(edited 1 month ago)
Original post by jsshisj
I like that it is close to the city centre and I feel like I would like Leeds more than Manchester. However, Manchester does offer a lot of optional modules that I can do in 2 and 3 years for the course (adult nursing) I'm going to do, but Leeds doesn't offer optional modules.

i just had a look at the course on the leeds website and it sucks that you wouldn’t get optional modules :frown: i’ve really enjoyed my optional module so it would be a shame for you to miss out on that !!
Reply 14
sorry thats not true leeds for nursing is excellent.. as is manchester. if you still at home can you study whilst staying there. it will save you a lot. the wife has studied at mmu, open uni. rgu and glasgow, my daughter is at edinburgh and another at aberdeen each uni has good and bad bits find the one whose teaching style bests suits your learning style. dont rush this ask current students. they will be honest with you. good choice of job and being a guy does not matter. in fact often we ae in demand
Reply 15
Original post by charmaine.d
i just had a look at the course on the leeds website and it sucks that you wouldn’t get optional modules :frown: i’ve really enjoyed my optional module so it would be a shame for you to miss out on that !!

ik kinda sad
Reply 16
sorry thats not true leeds for nursing is excellent.. as is manchester. if you still at home can you study whilst staying there. it will save you a lot. the wife has studied at mmu, open uni. rgu and glasgow, my daughter is at edinburgh and another at aberdeen each uni has good and bad bits find the one whose teaching style bests suits your learning style. dont rush this ask current students. they will be honest with you. good choice of job and being a guy does not matter. in fact often we ae in demand

Thank you for the advice but I have just been rejected from Manchester for not meeting their requirement when I have.
Original post by jsshisj
Which is better the Uni of Leeds or Uni of Manchester

I got rejected from uni of Manchester and went to uni of Leeds. Im glad I got into uni of Leeds as I think it’s less busy than Manchester but yet you get the city life. The campus is close to city centre too and social life is pretty good. However will say rent is really high - but I assume Manchester will be worse as it’s a bigger city.
Original post by jsshisj
Which is better the Uni of Leeds or Uni of Manchester

Leeds!!!!! 😂😂😂
Reply 19
Original post by Bethany222
Leeds!!!!! 😂😂😂

what wrong with leeds

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