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Are LNAT cut offs real

Is it true that some unis have cut off lnat scores? I keep seeing rumours that unis have 'cut off' scores for the lnat each year and will reject any applications with an lnat below a certain school. Just curious if that's even real.
Original post by hicweondksc
Is it true that some unis have cut off lnat scores? I keep seeing rumours that unis have 'cut off' scores for the lnat each year and will reject any applications with an lnat below a certain school. Just curious if that's even real.

I got told this by the King's admissions team at an open day. Some years they said they didn't consider applications that got lower than 30 on the LNAT😬. That number would fluctutate depending on the average scores of each year but to answer your question, yes I do believe this happens at some unis.
Reply 2
king's is the infamous one that has a 30+ cutoff, and is pretty straight-up about it. all other universities deny having one (however truthful you take that to be) and look at the lnat holistically with the rest of your application. glasgow typically allows slightly lower lnat scores through if the rest of the application is top-tier. on the other hand, places like ucl, durham and lse probably do have a score beneath consideration simply because of the sheer number of applications they get with grades like A*A*A*.
i know someone who got 29 on their lnat score and got rejected from ucl on the grounds of a "low lnat score", but someone else i know that got 28 got in. so no, if they say there is no concrete cutoff score, then the best you can do is take their word for it.
Reply 3
Original post by hicweondksc
Is it true that some unis have cut off lnat scores? I keep seeing rumours that unis have 'cut off' scores for the lnat each year and will reject any applications with an lnat below a certain school. Just curious if that's even real.

I would assume KCL and LSE. Fortunately, other unis consider the essay too, so that might provide some leeway. UCL, for example, is insanely competitive but don’t have strict LNAT cutoffs because they also take the essay into account, so an exceptional essay would probably make up for an average LNAT score.
Original post by EvanJHS007
I got told this by the King's admissions team at an open day. Some years they said they didn't consider applications that got lower than 30 on the LNAT😬. That number would fluctutate depending on the average scores of each year but to answer your question, yes I do believe this happens at some unis.

Woah that's crazy
Reply 5
Original post by EvanJHS007
I got told this by the King's admissions team at an open day. Some years they said they didn't consider applications that got lower than 30 on the LNAT😬. That number would fluctutate depending on the average scores of each year but to answer your question, yes I do believe this happens at some unis.

Hi! Could I ask what specifically they said please? Because on the one hand I see that a lot of people have been rejected for insufficient lnat scores already by kings this year, on the other hand I looked at some past years and where they average was usually above 26 some were 19. I also know for (almost) a fact that I didn't get 30+ on the lnat (It's really improbable given my practise tests etc.) and yet I have not yet been rejected? I thought that if they had a cutoff score they would immediately reject anyone below it? I feel it would be kinder to let us know we have been rejected sooner than later if it is already a given....
Original post by … …
Hi! Could I ask what specifically they said please? Because on the one hand I see that a lot of people have been rejected for insufficient lnat scores already by kings this year, on the other hand I looked at some past years and where they average was usually above 26 some were 19. I also know for (almost) a fact that I didn't get 30+ on the lnat (It's really improbable given my practise tests etc.) and yet I have not yet been rejected? I thought that if they had a cutoff score they would immediately reject anyone below it? I feel it would be kinder to let us know we have been rejected sooner than later if it is already a given....
The open day was way back in September but I'll try my best to remember what was said. I asked the admissions team about the weight they place on the LNAT, they said that it takes priority over everything else in almost all applications. They gave and example where one person had A*A*A* predicted but mid LNAT score and another with A*AA but above average LNAT score and said more than likely they would choose the latter. They gave off the impression that it was all just numbers and statistics - as if they could just put in some sort of algorithm to find offer holders - and that our personal statements mattered the least in the application, which I thought was quite disheartening. Then they said that some years they didn't consider any applications that got below 30 in the LNAT. As with you I was quite shocked by this so after the Law taster lecture I asked the professor about it and he said that its the first he'd heard about LNAT cutoffs and that he doesn't think its fair, but how informed he is on the issue is up for contention. Again, the cutoff would depend on national annual averages, but if it offers you any consolidation I've read quite a few posts about people getting much higher on the real LNAT than on their practise tests so don't lose hope! My advice to you is check on King's apply when your application was last reviewed, if its different to the date of submission and people have already been rejected, it's possible you've made it past the first hurdle. I truly wish you the best of luck🤗
Reply 7
Original post by EvanJHS007
The open day was way back in September but I'll try my best to remember what was said. I asked the admissions team about the weight they place on the LNAT, they said that it takes priority over everything else in almost all applications. They gave and example where one person had A*A*A* predicted but mid LNAT score and another with A*AA but above average LNAT score and said more than likely they would choose the latter. They gave off the impression that it was all just numbers and statistics - as if they could just put in some sort of algorithm to find offer holders - and that our personal statements mattered the least in the application, which I thought was quite disheartening. Then they said that some years they didn't consider any applications that got below 30 in the LNAT. As with you I was quite shocked by this so after the Law taster lecture I asked the professor about it and he said that its the first he'd heard about LNAT cutoffs and that he doesn't think its fair, but how informed he is on the issue is up for contention. Again, the cutoff would depend on national annual averages, but if it offers you any consolidation I've read quite a few posts about people getting much higher on the real LNAT than on their practise tests so don't lose hope! My advice to you is check on King's apply when your application was last reviewed, if its different to the date of submission and people have already been rejected, it's possible you've made it past the first hurdle. I truly wish you the best of luck🤗

Hi! Thank you so much! Unfortunately my application was last reviewed in November whereas others were last reviewed much more recently. I also haven’t received any updates from any of the other lnat unies so at the moment no way of knowing how I did concretely but I guess it is a waiting game until May... May I ask if you applied to kings in the end after the open day? Have you gotten any updates ? Also I just remembered that I know someone who went to the kings open day and we were talking about personal statements/lnat and according to her they said that they placed a lot of importance on the personal statement…
Original post by … …
Hi! Thank you so much! Unfortunately my application was last reviewed in November whereas others were last reviewed much more recently. I also haven’t received any updates from any of the other lnat unies so at the moment no way of knowing how I did concretely but I guess it is a waiting game until May... May I ask if you applied to kings in the end after the open day? Have you gotten any updates ? Also I just remembered that I know someone who went to the kings open day and we were talking about personal statements/lnat and according to her they said that they placed a lot of importance on the personal statement…

That's interesting about your friend, perhaps the applications team are being intentionally cryptic😂 was your friend asking about law? becuase it could be different if there's no entrance exam for her subject. Yes, I did apply to King's in the end but for PPL instead of straight Law... no news yet, although my application was last reviewed on the 7th so they've definitely seen it. I was just speaking to my teacher about it and she said that no doubt they will wait till the Oxbridge offers come out because a lot of the same people applying to Oxbridge would also apply to King's. Still, confusing lol again, the dreaded waiting game...
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 9
Original post by EvanJHS007
That's interesting about your friend, perhaps the applications team are being intentionally cryptic😂 was your friend asking about law? becuase it could be different if there's no entrance exam for her subject. Yes, I did apply to King's in the end but for PPL instead of straight Law... no news yet, although my application was last reviewed on the 7th so they've definitely seen it. I was just speaking to my teacher about it and she said that no doubt they will wait till the Oxbridge offers come out because a lot of the same people applying to Oxbridge would also apply to King's. Still, confusing lol again, the dreaded waiting game...

Maybe, I wouldn't put in past them! I also applied for ppl but my application was last reviewed in November (at the same time as all the other applications) I'm hoping that means they just haven't gotten to it yet... I don't know. But it makes sense about oxbridge though
Original post by EvanJHS007
That's interesting about your friend, perhaps the applications team are being intentionally cryptic😂 was your friend asking about law? becuase it could be different if there's no entrance exam for her subject. Yes, I did apply to King's in the end but for PPL instead of straight Law... no news yet, although my application was last reviewed on the 7th so they've definitely seen it. I was just speaking to my teacher about it and she said that no doubt they will wait till the Oxbridge offers come out because a lot of the same people applying to Oxbridge would also apply to King's. Still, confusing lol again, the dreaded waiting game...

hi how can you tell when it has been reviewed on kings apply? thank you!
Reply 11
Original post by 3liza.06
hi how can you tell when it has been reviewed on kings apply? thank you!

hey, once you receive the email acknowledging your application you should at some point receive/have received an email with login to King's apply. when you login you have a first page where it shows your course you applied for and if you click on the course (in blue because its a link) it'll move you on to more details. Do not click in this link, normally when I click on the date next to the link it shows info under it including "date submitted or last changed". I don't know if that was clear enough but hope it helps

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