The Student Room Group

Economics at LSE

Hello TSR, as you can see from the title, I want to pursue Economics at LSE but I’m unsure of whether I even have a chance of being accepted. I am planning to do Maths, Physics, Economics and History for my 4 A Levels, but I have discovered that although LSE “recommends” Further Maths, it is essentially necessary because everyone else applying to the course does it. I am wondering whether I should drop Physics for Further Maths but my parents say I should keep my options open for other possible degrees as a backup plan (like Engineering). I myself also love Physics and I’m hesitant to drop it. So they believe I should do Physics and drop Further Maths. I already do Level 2 GCSE AQA Further Maths and I don’t mind it - I’m getting 9s but I don’t know how I could compete with thousands of applicants who all seem to be doing A Level Further Maths.

I’m just looking for some guidance to be honest because I don’t know what to do. I’m very confused. Should I drop Physics for Further Maths?
Reply 1
I am also weighing whether I should do an EPQ as asubstitute for one of my subjects but again, I’m notsure what to do it on, or whether it will be too much ofa workload. So could someone help me with that tooplease. Much appreciated.
Original post by Anonymous
I am also weighing whether I should do an EPQ as asubstitute for one of my subjects but again, I’m notsure what to do it on, or whether it will be too much ofa workload. So could someone help me with that tooplease. Much appreciated.

Drop History for FMaths.
Reply 3
Thank you for the reply. Is there any way I can accommodate History in there somewhere? I really enjoy History and I thought the prospect of learning about Political History and Economic History would make me stand out from the average Maths, Physics,FM, Economics combination that most Econ aspirers will be doing. I realise I will have to sacrifice in some way but I see you give really good uni advice so I guess I am asking this as a last resort.And if I drop History for FM, would you recommend doing an EPQ on it instead? I’ve heard many universities are interested in them but I fear the workload may be too much. 4 A-Levels and an EPQ does sound overwhelming.. thank you regardless.
Original post by Anonymous
Thank you for the reply. Is there any way I can accommodate History in there somewhere? I really enjoy History and I thought the prospect of learning about Political History and Economic History would make me stand out from the average Maths, Physics,FM, Economics combination that most Econ aspirers will be doing. I realise I will have to sacrifice in some way but I see you give really good uni advice so I guess I am asking this as a last resort.And if I drop History for FM, would you recommend doing an EPQ on it instead? I’ve heard many universities are interested in them but I fear the workload may be too much. 4 A-Levels and an EPQ does sound overwhelming.. thank you regardless.

4 + an EPQ is too much.

Perhaps take History which they like and not Economics which isn't necessary.

"Further Mathematics at A-level is also desirable, and is acceptable for entry in combination with Mathematics and one other A-level. In these cases we'd prefer that the third A-level should be an essay-based subject. If you take four or more full A-levels, you’ll be expected to achieve A* A A (with A* in Mathematics), and a pass in the fourth A-level. We understand that not all schools/colleges offer Further Mathematics and you won’t be disadvantaged as a result please could you and/or your referees indicate this on your application form.

An A* in Further Mathematics plus an A grade in Mathematics is an acceptable alternative.

Alongside Mathematics, we’re looking for subject combinations that demonstrate your analytical and writing abilities. Typical subject choices include Economics, Physics, History, Chemistry, English, and Government and Politics, of which Economics, History, English and Government and Politics are good indicators of writing ability.

Many students on the programme have studied A-level Economics or equivalent but it is not required."

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