The Student Room Group

MSAT for Ulster University

New form of the old HPAT exam. Any tips, helpful information, or suggestions for the exam?
Original post by harryhhughes
New form of the old HPAT exam. Any tips, helpful information, or suggestions for the exam?

What you applying for
Original post by Anonymous
What you applying for

Physiotherapy at Magee. What about you?
Reply 3
Original post by harryhhughes
Physiotherapy at Magee. What about you?

Same bro hopefully I see u next year do u know many applying definitely my 1st choice I know one other lad applying. Where u from
Original post by James9!!
Same bro hopefully I see u next year do u know many applying definitely my 1st choice I know one other lad applying. Where u from

From Coleraine what about urself? Dk anyone else atm and no one on my course is going for physio. Woul say it’ll be oversubscribed as usual tho hahah
Reply 5
Original post by harryhhughes
From Coleraine what about urself? Dk anyone else atm and no one on my course is going for physio. Woul say it’ll be oversubscribed as usual tho hahah

I’d say so but I hope not u doing any prep. From Donegal myself. 1 other in my year applying. I’d say the exam will cut applicants as you have to pay. U doing any revision for it
Just looking over the sample questions they gave us. Icl they aren’t much to go off it’ll be a bit luck based in my eyes. So many questions have options that all seem right or all seem wrong.

Just gonna look over them and maybe old HPAT tests cos they are similar in style, if I can find any
Reply 7
Original post by harryhhughes
Just looking over the sample questions they gave us. Icl they aren’t much to go off it’ll be a bit luck based in my eyes. So many questions have options that all seem right or all seem wrong.
Just gonna look over them and maybe old HPAT tests cos they are similar in style, if I can find any

Yeah same with me it’s very luck based I have the sample also yeah I thought the same as urself. Best of luck tho
Original post by James9!!
Yeah same with me it’s very luck based I have the sample also yeah I thought the same as urself. Best of luck tho

You too fella. Lmk how u get on after it and if u hear or get any info or help pls pass it on. I’ll do the same for u. Good luck
Original post by harryhhughes
New form of the old HPAT exam. Any tips, helpful information, or suggestions for the exam?

I've also applied to Physio, but i'm keeping it to be my insurance, as its for those who have lower intellectual levels, I' from fermanagh, I've done interviews for MPharm at Ulster and Queens, which went really well

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