What do you want to study particularly? Is I solely English language, literature, creative writing? Or a combination of all three? Hester has an undergraduate degree that includes modules for all three disciplines and so you have a taste of all of them which makes your decision a lot easier!
Once you’ve narrowed that part down, can you narrow it down a bit more? Is there a particular aspect of English you’re especially in and if so, can you find a course with modules and tutors who are particularly strong in this area?
Is there a location you’d especially like to live in for the three years of uni, so consider how close to home you want to be, city or rural location, a large university such as Manchester or Liverpool, or a smaller one, like Chester? How reliant are you on public transport - if it’s something you will be needing to rely on heavily, what are the travel networks like? Do you want to live at home and commute or live away. Look at the accommodation the unis have on offer and how close it is to Camus.
Book yourself onto lots of open days and go and have a look around the universities that kind of appeal to you. See what they have to offer in terms of support for students, facilities as well as the English department. How do you feel at the uni? Is it somewhere that you feel comfortable at, and have a look around the wider area, the town, again is this a place you feel at home?
Last reply 1 week ago
Where to apply for English Literature (Q300) for University?Last reply 1 week ago
Kinda wanna do an English degree; didn't do Eng Lit A-level?Last reply 1 week ago
English with creative writing at Newman Uni or English BA (Hons)Last reply 2 weeks ago
Newcastle Uni, Uni of Leeds, Uni of Birmingham or UEA?Last reply 1 month ago
Chances of getting offers for English Literature without the A-Level?Last reply 2 months ago
schools with creative writing/english majors that have strong departments in the UK?