The Student Room Group


hi! i came back to uni yesterday and im feeling currently worse than when i first moved in September. I think the readjustment has got me thinking whether uni is the right place for me. im hoping after exam season it settles and I feel better about being here but im currently second guessing myself 🥲 it really doesn’t feel right for me here
Reply 1
I know, it can be tough but try and make friends join a hobby club, I am sure eventually you will settle in and start enjoying.
Original post by eeleanorgrace
hi! i came back to uni yesterday and im feeling currently worse than when i first moved in September. I think the readjustment has got me thinking whether uni is the right place for me. im hoping after exam season it settles and I feel better about being here but im currently second guessing myself 🥲 it really doesn’t feel right for me here

Hi there,

I’m really sorry to hear you’re feeling this way. It’s completely normal to feel unsettled after coming back from a break it’s a huge readjustment, and it can stir up emotions you didn’t expect. The fact that you’re recognising how you’re feeling is already a positive step forward.

It’s also important to remember that a lot of students experience a dip in motivation and a sense of disconnection, especially during exam season. Everything can feel overwhelming, and it’s easy to second-guess if uni is the right path. But feelings change over time, and often what feels like discomfort now might settle once you’re back into the routine of things.

That said, it’s so important to talk about how you’re feeling. I’d recommend reaching out to your personal tutor or a wellbeing advisor. The university you are enrolled should have a support team that can offer guidance, counselling, or even just a listening ear.

Also, take things one step at a time. You don’t have to have everything figured out right now.

You’ve got this. And remember, it’s okay to feel uncertain.

Take care,
PhD biology
Original post by eeleanorgrace
hi! i came back to uni yesterday and im feeling currently worse than when i first moved in September. I think the readjustment has got me thinking whether uni is the right place for me. im hoping after exam season it settles and I feel better about being here but im currently second guessing myself 🥲 it really doesn’t feel right for me here

Hi there,

I am sorry that you have been feeling like this. University can be really hard and coming back after a break and being at home can be tricky.

If you do want to stay, you could consider joining a society as this can be good to keep your mind off things and you can also meet lots of people there too. It's also a good idea to try and keep in contact with your family as much as you can and FaceTime them as this will help you to feel like you are still involved in things at home and will hopefully stop you tom feeling as homesick. I always found it helped when I knew when I was next going home or when my family were coming to visit as it was nice to know when I would see them again!

I hope some of this helps,

Lucy -SHU student ambassador.
Original post by eeleanorgrace
hi! i came back to uni yesterday and im feeling currently worse than when i first moved in September. I think the readjustment has got me thinking whether uni is the right place for me. im hoping after exam season it settles and I feel better about being here but im currently second guessing myself 🥲 it really doesn’t feel right for me here

Hi @eeleanorgrace ,

I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling this way—it’s tough when things don’t feel right. First of all, you’re not alone in feeling like this. For one, I myself as an international student struggle with readjustment after the holidays, especially during exam season when everything feels more intense and emotions are heightened.

Readjusting to uni life after a break can take a bit of time. Sometimes it’s just about settling back into a routine, so don’t give yourself a hard time for feeling down. At times when I've felt homesick or down, I reach out for support. A trusted friend, or family member- sharing how I feel does make a big difference. I would also make plans with friends to distract or occupy myself, to remind me that I still have a loving circle of people right where I am. With exams coming up, try to focus on getting through this period one step at a time. Don’t put pressure on yourself to have everything figured out right now.

It's completely okay and valid to feel unsure, and you’re not failing for second-guessing things. Take your time, be kind to yourself, and see how you feel once the current stress has eased up a bit.

Sending you positive vibes!
BCU Student Rep
Original post by eeleanorgrace
hi! i came back to uni yesterday and im feeling currently worse than when i first moved in September. I think the readjustment has got me thinking whether uni is the right place for me. im hoping after exam season it settles and I feel better about being here but im currently second guessing myself 🥲 it really doesn’t feel right for me here


Sorry to see that you are struggling with adjusting back to university post Christmas break, it is an adjustment that isn't really spoken about but one that can be tough.

I feel like the combination of being far away from family and it also being that time of year where seasonal depression can hit can make it tough. Just thought I would write a reply to say the most important thing that you are not alone and you are not going through this alone. It is something that a lot of students go through and it was something I went through that first christmas back at university.

A couple of things I found helped were firstly, getting back into that routine. This routine can include study, but it can also include so many other things. Whether that be exercise, socialising or even just little hobbies that you enjoy. I for example started binging films and tv shows with flatmates and that became a familiar thing to look forward to each night which helped adjust back into things.

As you mentioned, studying and exams are a good distraction but, societies are also a great way to get back into university life as well. The second term of university you can have a chance to join some societies again, like you got to during welcome week in the first term so maybe look into that see if there is any groups that peak your interest.

There should also be support teams at your university and they are there to help you with all sorts, not just exams/ assessments so maybe look into the support groups available and see if you can talk to them about the experience you are having.

I do hope you start to feel better and more comfortable as you get more into your second term.
Matt ~ Uni of Salford Rep
Original post by eeleanorgrace
hi! i came back to uni yesterday and im feeling currently worse than when i first moved in September. I think the readjustment has got me thinking whether uni is the right place for me. im hoping after exam season it settles and I feel better about being here but im currently second guessing myself 🥲 it really doesn’t feel right for me here

Hi there,

I'm so sorry to hear this and remember many of us have felt like this at university at some point. Even after I've graduated, January especially can be a difficult month for many.

I remember whenever, I came from home back to uni, it would take me a little while to get used to it again. It was important for me to take time for myself and do a little self care as well as frequently facetiming my family and friends to keep in touch. Things like this can take a while to get better. I wish I was a more patient person because it's what you need with adjustments. You need time to settle in and it's important to hear from someone else that it is okay to feel a little down but it will get better over the time you are studying.

I would recommend speaking to someone at your university about how you feel whether that is someone from student support or well being teams or even just your lecturer! Someone you feel comfortable with 🙂 . There is so much support available at universities when it comes to these aspects so make the most of them.

Lastly, don't forget to be easy on yourself and there's always options if you were to decide to change courses or even universities.🙂

I hope this helps and best of luck!
Original post by eeleanorgrace
hi! i came back to uni yesterday and im feeling currently worse than when i first moved in September. I think the readjustment has got me thinking whether uni is the right place for me. im hoping after exam season it settles and I feel better about being here but im currently second guessing myself 🥲 it really doesn’t feel right for me here


I'm sorry you're feeling this way, it takes me a while to settle back into uni life after being home, even as a third year. It may be a mix of nerves about exams and other factors, but it may be that this isn't the right place for you. Only you can make that call but I recommend getting involved with as much as possible and truly trying it out before making a decision. I know this is easier said than done however, the best way to find out if a place isn't for you is to try.

I hope this helps! Faye 🙂

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