The Student Room Group

enginnering degree aprentiships


i am looking at degree aprentiships for next year for enginnering, i have applied for the dyson institute one and also applied to uni having reseaved offers from exeter and sheffield and having also applied to wawrick durrham and bristol all for genral enginnering but bristol which is mechanical and eletrical.

im predicted A*AA + A in epq.

any one got any recomendations for degree aprentiships to look into
Check rolls Royce
Or Range Rover, one of them had engineering DAs
Original post by das fafaa fsd

i am looking at degree aprentiships for next year for enginnering, i have applied for the dyson institute one and also applied to uni having reseaved offers from exeter and sheffield and having also applied to wawrick durrham and bristol all for genral enginnering but bristol which is mechanical and eletrical.

im predicted A*AA + A in epq.

any one got any recomendations for degree aprentiships to look into

It really depends what you are interested in:

Energy sector:
BP/Shell/Rolls-Royce/Certas/EDF/ATKINS/Frazer-Nash/Jacobs/Mott Macdonald… many more


WMG/JLR/Aston Martin/Bentley/BMW (in UK Rolls-Royce motors & MINI)/MAHLE/Ricardo/FEV/GKN

This list is really just the start of the list, there are also dozens of other industries; civil infrastructure, public transport, home goods, medical & pharmaceuticals… and you can also look at all the tier 1 & 2 suppliers of these types of companies.

You could probably find 100 excellent degree apprenticeships with major international companies in the UK. Look on Bright Network or GRADCRACKER see what engineering companies are on there then see if they offer apprenticeships
(edited 1 month ago)

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