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I’m not sure if I should do physics for my a-level

Hi,I’m currently picking my a-levels and I’m not sure if I should do physics.In my mocks I got a 7 and found it to be pretty easy, but I’m not sure if I should pick it as I’m definitely not picking maths or further maths. I usually get 6s on maths. I find the maths in gcse physics pretty easy but I’m worried if they will be difficult for someone not doing maths. For my other subjects I’m doing history ( I’m quite good at that). I don’t want to pick physics and find it to out of my levels. Many thanks for your help.
Original post by Eidbrbdjje
Hi,I’m currently picking my a-levels and I’m not sure if I should do physics.In my mocks I got a 7 and found it to be pretty easy, but I’m not sure if I should pick it as I’m definitely not picking maths or further maths. I usually get 6s on maths. I find the maths in gcse physics pretty easy but I’m worried if they will be difficult for someone not doing maths. For my other subjects I’m doing history ( I’m quite good at that). I don’t want to pick physics and find it to out of my levels. Many thanks for your help.

Do you have any specific careers or university courses in mind after sixth form/college?
Reply 2
Original post by flowersinmyhair
Do you have any specific careers or university courses in mind after sixth form/college?

Not completely, but I have always quite like to do something engineering wise
Original post by Eidbrbdjje
Not completely, but I have always quite like to do something engineering wise
It would probably be useful to do maths and physics then.
Reply 4
Original post by Eidbrbdjje
Hi,I’m currently picking my a-levels and I’m not sure if I should do physics.In my mocks I got a 7 and found it to be pretty easy, but I’m not sure if I should pick it as I’m definitely not picking maths or further maths. I usually get 6s on maths. I find the maths in gcse physics pretty easy but I’m worried if they will be difficult for someone not doing maths. For my other subjects I’m doing history ( I’m quite good at that). I don’t want to pick physics and find it to out of my levels. Many thanks for your help.
If you want to do engineering you definitely should be doing Maths at least. It is also best to pick physics as for most unis they require these two as a minimum. Go to unis and check their requirements. But if you are definitely not picking maths I don't recommend you picking up Physics as there is quite a lot of Maths in Physics especially going into second year.
Original post by Eidbrbdjje
Not completely, but I have always quite like to do something engineering wise

if you want to do engineering u defo need maths its not a non-negotibale
you should probs pick further maths for engineering because it makes you a more competitive applicant
also you'll struggle in physics if you dont do alevel maths
DW you got 4.5 months till exam starts you can raise gcse maths and physics to 8's
Reply 6
You should bear in mind that A-level Physics is NOT easy, and it's much harder compared to GCSEs. But if you enjoy physics or planning to do engineering, then I would highly recommend taking it (not necessary, but it's definitely useful). However, you should definitely pick maths if you want to do engineering because it is a very maths-heavy field.

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