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Biology A level HELP

I got a C in my Y12 mock and a D in my Y13 Dec mock, In my defence I didn’t revise mass transport and response to stimulus which was majority my paper.

But is there time to turn it around to an A in biology for exams 2025 and how do i do this?
Original post by deanna114
I got a C in my Y12 mock and a D in my Y13 Dec mock, In my defence I didn’t revise mass transport and response to stimulus which was majority my paper.

But is there time to turn it around to an A in biology for exams 2025 and how do i do this?

How are you revising?
Reply 2
Original post by flowersinmyhair
How are you revising?

For my december mock i didn’t do much hence the D grade, I usually just mind mapped content by watching miss estruct and did exam questions but didn’t do so for some chapters.

I’ve changed my revision though, 1. note taking 2. Active recall/ blurting. 3. Exam questions
Is this new approach effective?
Original post by deanna114
For my december mock i didn’t do much hence the D grade, I usually just mind mapped content by watching miss estruct and did exam questions but didn’t do so for some chapters.

I’ve changed my revision though, 1. note taking 2. Active recall/ blurting. 3. Exam questions
Is this new approach effective?

I would say that notetaking is not the best use of your time, especially if you have good quality notes from lessons. I do like active recall (I always found flashcards using spaced repetition was most helpful for me when I did A-level biology). Exam questions are great as well especially if you mark them afterwards using mark schemes.

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