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How do Oxford students feel their interviews went?

How do Oxford students feel they did in their interviews? I’d be really interested to know how you found them.
Original post by Anonymous
How do Oxford students feel they did in their interviews? I’d be really interested to know how you found them.

Applied to history and English at Queens and found my history interview to go quite well! On the other hand, for my English one I was completely flustered and I feel like I bombed it fs, but manifesting that I didn’t lol!
Original post by Anonymous
How do Oxford students feel they did in their interviews? I’d be really interested to know how you found them.

Are you asking for current student/alumni experiences, or how this year's applicants found the interviews done last month? (Just checking so that I don't make irrelevant posts!)
Original post by The_Lonely_Goatherd
Are you asking for current student/alumni experiences, or how this year's applicants found the interviews done last month? (Just checking so that I don't make irrelevant posts!)

I meant current students/alumni, but I’d love to hear about anyone’s really :smile:
Original post by wuggen_or_wugs
I meant current students/alumni, but I’d love to hear about anyone’s really :smile:

Cool! I did music at Worcester College from 2007-2010 (so my interviews were in 2006 :shakecane: ). I had three interviews (all in-person, as this was pre-covid times) over 2 days at St Anne's, Worcester, and St Peter's (but for a place at St Edmund's/Teddy Hall). I felt the first interview went really well, the second interview at Worcester (which was the college I'd applied to) less well but OKish. The third interview, I thought had gone horribly wrong due to something I said during it. It felt like any chance I'd had of getting into Oxford had flown out the window :sad:

My first interview was all about my personal statement, my third interview ended up being all about my written work (which hadn't been passed onto that college tutor), and the second interview was a more standard Oxford music interview. All three interviews involved analysing an extract of music. Didn't know what on earth was going on in the analysis extract for the third interview :lolwut:

I don't know what the first interviewer thought of me, but I'm told the second and third dons (and their respective DPhil/PhD students who interviewed me) really liked me, and that I was the best girl to interview at Woosta that year! :king1:
Original post by Anonymous
How do Oxford students feel they did in their interviews? I’d be really interested to know how you found them.

Oxford University DPhil interview experience:Yesterday, I attended the final interview for my DPhil program. Three months ago, my supervisor interviewed me and was convinced that we had developed a strong research proposal together. Following his advice, I submitted the proposal, and I was later invited for a second and final interview.The interview was held on Microsoft Teams and included seven professors. As per the graduate office guidelines, I presented three slides. During the Q&A, one professor asked me to define and provide the formula for a specific technique I had included in my presentation. While I clearly explained the concept, he pressed further for the exact formula.Since the research proposal focuses on work to be developed during the PhD, I didn’t have the formula at this stage. I couldn’t provide it, which I now worry might impact my chances. However, I handled the rest of the questions well.What’s concerning is that my supervisor, who was present but silent throughout the interview, contributed significantly to the research proposal and is highly interested in working with me. If my application is rejected, his efforts might also be undermined.How likely will I receive an offer, considering my supervisor’s support and the collaborative effort on the proposal? Does not knowing the formula during the interview significantly harm my chances?

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