The Student Room Group

Dropping out of uni - the funding aspect

Hi so I've decided to drop out of uni for personal mental health reasons (studying nursing) and my decision is final. Would anyone who's dropped out before be able to advise what happens in terms of repaying student finance? I've had my tuition fees paid by the NHS Bursary Wales scheme and then maintenance loan from student finance Wales... Do I have to pay these back immediately? I have tried finding information online but there is nothing.
Original post by Nin30
Hi so I've decided to drop out of uni for personal mental health reasons (studying nursing) and my decision is final. Would anyone who's dropped out before be able to advise what happens in terms of repaying student finance? I've had my tuition fees paid by the NHS Bursary Wales scheme and then maintenance loan from student finance Wales... Do I have to pay these back immediately? I have tried finding information online but there is nothing.

With regards to the NHS Wales Bursary:

For students who started their course in September 2017 or after and have agreed to the NHS Wales Terms & Conditions:
The Minister for Health and Social Services has agreed that students leaving part way through a course will not be liable to repay their fees. All students that leave their course before qualifying will not be pursued for any repayment.


In terms of your maintenance loan, if you have just received the instalment for this term, you will need to pay most of it back immediately. For example, if you withdraw two weeks into a 14-week term, you will need to pay back 12 weeks of maintenance loan. SFW will calculate this and let you know when the payment is due. The maintenance loan you have received for previous terms is repayable as per your standard plan conditions, i.e. once you are earning above the income threshold for your loan plan.
Hi I didn’t do nursing but I have dropped out (now reapplied for uni) I was only there for a month but this is what happened to my loan. I had received my first maintenance payment which I used some to pay rent with. They sent me a letter saying I had been over payed and wanted the full payment back. I had the option to pay the amount I had in full then the rest which I’d used for rent on a loan. I can’t speak for tuition fees as I wasn’t there long enough my uni didn’t make me pay any! As for getting more funding you are eligible for your entire course funding + one ‘gift’ year as an undergrad. Hope this helps!

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